establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own or others` desired outcome to enhance comprehension. [5.F19A] October 2014 Fifth Grade Figure 19
ask literal, interpretive, evaluative, and universal questions of text ask literal, interpretive, evaluative, and universal questions of text.[5.F19B] October 2014 Fifth Grade Figure 19
monitor and adjust comprehension (e. g monitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge, creating sensory images, rereading a portion aloud, generating questions).[5.F19C] October 2014 Fifth Grade Figure 19
make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. [5.F19D] October 2014 Fifth Grade Figure 19
summarize and paraphrase texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts.[5.F19E] October 2014 Fifth Grade Figure 19
make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide textual evidence.[5.F19F] October 2014 Fifth Grade Figure 19