Class News What we’re learning! Things to Remember Homework Week of January 14th, 2019 Mrs. Mallory Message me on Dojo 912-754-5522 Things to Remember Jan. 15 Hat Day for $1 Jan. 16 100th day of school: Students may dress like they’re 100 years old Also, Unit 3 math test Jan. 17 Math Challenge Goal is 54 in 4 minutes Jan. 21 No school – MLK Day Jan. 24 1st Grade PTSO Performance @ 7 PM Jan 31 PBIS Cookie Party Feb. 4 Progress Reports Feb. 13 P/T Conferences Feb. 14-18 No School What we’re learning! Word Study: long e Me, be, feet, tree, keep, these, eat Word Work: there, could, then, now, when, where Math: missing addends, related facts, fact families, true and false statements, missing minuends, word problems Read Aloud: Snowmen at Night Shared reading: Bee and Sheep Homework 1. Read each night and record it on the reading log. 2. Practice making spelling words with the letter tiles in their folder. 3. Read and spell sight words 4. Let your child read the paper books I send home for them. Sight words: We are in need of tissues.