You will be tested on 4 parts to a good presentation The Presentation!! You will be tested on 4 parts to a good presentation Structure Speaking Body Language Eye Contact
Structure I_________ M____ B_______ C___________
Structure Introduction – Gives plan Main Body –Gives details Conclusion – Reviews presentation
Language for Introduction Page 126 Introduce Yourself: “Good morning Everyone, let me introduce myself, My name is _______” Giving Plan of Presentation “Today I’m going to talk about______ I am going to divide my presentation into 3 parts. First….Second…and finally….”
Introduction Language Page 126 Invite Questions “If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.” End Introduction “Now, let’s start with the first part of my talk_____”
Main Body Language Page 127 Changing Topic “Now let’s move on to the next part of my talk_______.” Referring to Visuals “If you l ook at the Power Point you will see….”
Conclusion Language Page 127 Concluding “Today we talked about 3 parts of _______ company Summarizing “To summarize about ______company….” Ending “Thank you very much for listening. Does anyone have any questions?
Company Profile Page 129 You must include 6 in your presentation 1.When established 2.Activities 3.Subsidiaries/ 4.Branches/ 5.Factories 6.Number of Employees 7.Type of Products/ 8.Examples 9.Turnover/ 10.Location/Head Office 11.CEO
When established founded
activities What do they do
subsidiaries Other smaller companies under big company
branches saka
factories Rong rgnam
employees workers
products/ service Things sold Things they do
Examples of products
Turnover Money made after money spent
Location/ Head Office Location of company Headquarters
Structure Example Write down and copy example of Introduction, MB, conclusion Green words are the structure Red words are the information that you will change to your information Your presentation must be about a COMPANY
Basic Introduction Good morning every one, my name is… I’m here to tell you about Kao mun gai Company I’m going to divide my talk into 3 parts: First: history….Second: turnover and finally: the employees. My talk will take about 5 minutes. Please save your questions until the end.
Main Body 1,2,3 or more parts Follows plan of introduction But now you tell more information
Main Body First Part Now, let’s turn to the first part: History There are two things you should know. One, the company was established in 1902 and two, it was founded in Birmingham
Main Body. Second Part Now, let’s move to the second part: Turnover I want to make two points. First, Kao mun gai made 60 million from food sales and second Kao mun gai made 30 million from product sales
Main Body. Final Part The final part is the employees. There are two points. First, Kao mun gai has 980 office employees, and second, the CEO is Randy Lerner.
Conclusion Concludes the main points that you talked about Gives a summary or recommendation or your opinion for people to think about.
Conclusion That brings us to the conclusion. Today we talked about… Kao Mun Gai company We talked about three parts: history, turnover, and the employees To summarize we can say that Kao Mun Gai will be the leading restaurant in the future. That concludes my presentation. Thank you for your attention. Does any one have any questions?
Remember! Structure Voice Body Language Eye Contact.
Example of Structure Outline Introduction Main Body 1 2 3 Conclusion (with summary)