Group Facilitator Name: Group’s Rapporteur Reporting back Group 2 Group’s Members Name: : Group Facilitator Name: Group’s Rapporteur
Sustainable Funding for National Statistical Systems Three main challenges : Lack of funding: the additional burden of the preparation of development indicators and economic conditions experienced by the Arab countries, which influence funding of statistical indicators agencies Weak interest in statistics by leaders Weak conviction in the outcome of spending on statistics
Sustainable Funding for National Statistical Systems Three proposed solutions: Distributing roles among countries according to their experience Allocating part of the national income for Statistics
Governance Mechanisms to Fuel the Data Revolution Three main challenges : Absence of adequate and up to date legislations Shortage of human resources
Governance Mechanisms to Fuel the Data Revolution Three proposed solutions: Giving responsibility and independence to statistical agencies (empowering ) Developing and aligning legislation Supporting coordination between stakeholders involved in the production and use of data, training and rehabilitating human resources , and building needed capacities
Tools and Technologies to Accelerate Data Revolution in the Region Three main challenges : Poor interactive databases and poor infrastructure
Tools and Technologies to Accelerate Data Revolution in the Region Three proposed solutions: The need for a major shift in statistical system in terms of structures and mechanisms Use of big data Use of internet in Data capturing