REGISTRATION Review Of Transcripts You should have 30 credits Students with less credits should see their Counselor for possible Summer School placement Grad Check on Transcripts shows the classes you still need to take Complete your Credit Check Worksheet (handout)
REGISTRATION SHEET Circle your counselor’s name Write your Name and Student # Due Date back to your teacher is ________ Career & College/Post-Secondary Goals
GRADUATION & COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS High School Graduation Requirements (Complete Graduation Checklist) UC/CSU A-G Requirements (Review A-G Sheet) Classes Highlighted in Blue DO NOT MEET A-G Requirements @
AP & HONORS AP/Honors Course Descriptions Honors/AP Contract Talk to the teacher before you sign up for an AP/Honors class. AP/Honors Course Descriptions will be posted on the wall in your Language Arts, and will also be available in the College and Career Center, Room J-1, and online on our CHS Guidance website page. Honors/AP Contract Must be signed by parent and student before being placed in a class. Students will not be allowed to drop after the last day of school, unless the “Action Plan for Success” was completed. Keep in mind that the “Action Plan for Success” will not be reviewed until the end of the 1st semester.
Not On Course Selection Sheet Drawing & Painting (Mrs. Alvarez C-1) Elements of Journalism (Mrs. Shieh F-4)
COURSES THAT NEED SIGNATURES AP Art History & AP Studio Art -Mrs. Alvarez (C-1) Yearbook-Mrs. Alvarez (C-1) Unity-Mrs. Stivers (Student Store) Contemporary World Affairs-Mrs. Menter (B-9) Link Crew-Mr. Brady (H-6) H Heritage & H Spanish 3-Your Current SP Teacher
NCAA On the backside, top right of the registration sheet, please check the NCAA box if: You are a Student/Athlete and feel that you have a good chance of either receiving an Athletic Scholarship and/or playing at the college level.
Corona High APP Go to the APP Store, Download Corona High APP to Your Phone Open by Pressing Top Left Corner (3 Red Lines) Now see What it has to Offer! Q Connect, Locker Locator and Bell Schedule…Check It Out!