The Cold War American Hegemony, Soviet Challenge
I. The effects of WWII Much of Europe, China, and Japan were devastated Whole cities had been leveled (destroyed) by successive bombing campaigns Armies of refugees found themselves displaced (removed from homes) Local governments broke down as the defeated regimes crumbled
The effects of WWII - cont. The Allies (United States, Great Britain, Soviet Union, France) turn from occupiers to administrators and judges.
The effects of WWII - cont. World War II destroyed the old balance of power Formerly great empires, especially Britain were exhausted, leaving two major players: The United States and the Soviet Union Marxism-Leninism (Communism/Socialism) called for the violent overthrow of capitalist regimes and their replacement by secular communist states. China falls to communism in 1949
The Cold War American Hegemony, Soviet Challenge Part I: Rebuilding of Europe/Japan + Standoff between U.S./Allies and Soviet Union/Allies Part II: Cold War turns hot – Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Cuban Missile Crisis, Arms Race, and Space Race Part III: De-Colonization – India/Pakistan, Africa + South Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Latin America
II. Rebuilding and Standoff World Circa 1980
United Nations Create in April 1945 in San Francisco Created two powerful entities: The General Assembly and the Security Council General Assembly votes on a range of international issues Security Council decides what actions to take to settle international conflicts
Molotov Plan Believed the Marshall plan was an attempt to “interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries” USSR provides direct aid and trade agreements Former axis powers had to pay reparations
Germany Split into two countries Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) German Democratic Republic (East Germany) In West Germany people confronted the horrors of the Nazi Regime German industry helps rebuild the country Presence of U.S. Troops allows for more focus on rebuilding and social welfare programs
Japan From 1945-1952 Allied military forces under MacArthur occupied and ruled Japan Japan adopts a new democratic constitution and bill of rights No military allowed – only a national defense force U.S. pours billions into Japan’s economy and spark an economic boom Would be the 2nd / 3rd largest economy over time
China People’s Republic of China was formed in 1949. Communist leader Mao Zedong defeats nationalists after 20yrs of fighting Launches Great Leap forward – series of 5 year plans Results in widespread hunger and starvation Introduces the Cultural Revolution in order to rid resistance to Communism Results in political oppression and deaths