Rome & the Republic Ms. Ramos
Roman State Distrusted kings 2 groups: patrician & plebians Republic – Consuls & praetor Senate – 300 patricians: life, advisory Ms. Ramos
Most imp: Centuriate Assembly: elect consuls & praetors Plebians want equality – council of plebs: Tribunes By 287 B.C. all males equal One of most imp contributions: system of law – Twelve Tables Ms. Ramos
Twelve Tables Written Applied to all Ms. Ramos
If you are called to go to court, you must go. If you dont show up, you can be taken to court by force. If you need a witness to testify and he will not show up, you can go once every three days and shout in front of his house. Should a tree on a neighbor's farm be bend crooked by the wind and lean over your farm, you may take legal action for removal of that tree. If it's your tree, its your fruit, even if it falls on another mans land. A person who had been found guilty of giving false witness shall be hurled down from the Tarpeian Rock. No person shall hold meetings by night in the city. A dead man shall not be buried or burned within the city. Marriages should not take place between patricians and plebians Ms. Ramos
What American document promotes many of the same legal principles found in Roman law? US Bill of Rights Ms. Ramos
Ms. Ramos
Julius Cesar Expands empire to Gaul Forces Senate to make him dictator Reforms – Public works – Land to poor 44 B.C. stabbed Ms. Ramos
Pax Romana 14 A.D A.D. E ra of Augustus/ Octavius Trade grows Develop admin procedures Language, law, architecture, engineering spreads throughout west Birth & expansion of Christianity- official religion Ms. Ramos
Ms. Ramos
Rise & Spread of Christianity Ms. Ramos
R views C as dangerous Persecution – Nero blames C for fire in R Forces C to be more organized Ms. Ramos
Attraction of Christianity 1. More personal & offers external life and salvation 2.Gave sense of belonging to community 3.Appeal to every class: ALL could gain salvation Ms. Ramos
Constantine – 1 st C emperor – Edict of Milan: toleration of C Theodosius the Great – Adopts C as official religion _Constantine_the_Great_37897/ odosius/a/TheodosiusI.htm Ms. Ramos
R & C shared values: – Virtue & devotion to ones community and state BUT re: C relationship w/God put above state…led to R persecution of C Ms. Ramos
Middle Ages Catholicism state religion of most Europe Ms. Ramos
C emphasis on individual conscience and emphasis on state comes into conflict Jesus taught toleration C hope of converting all to C led to use of force Crusades & view those not C were a threat Ms. Ramos
What led to an increase in Christianity? Adoption & support of the people for C, Edict of Milan, and government support Ms. Ramos