National Soybean Research Laboratory Research, Outreach and Education Supporting soybean production and nutrition April 9, 2009 Dr. Peter GoldsmithBridget Owen Executive DirectorAssociate Director
B IODIESEL C URRICULUM K IT Developed by the National Soybean Research Laboratory and the University of Illinois ITCS
B IODIESEL K IT C OMPONENTS Lab Materials Curriculum Kit –Lesson Plans –Student Handouts –Multiple Labs per Lesson –Exams –Keys for Labs and Exams
L ESSON C ONTENTS List of Terms Interest Approach Students Handouts –Terms List for Notes –Graphics, Charts, and Tables for Handouts or Transparencies PowerPoint 1-2 Lab Activities per Lesson
L ESSON 1 – I NTRODUCTION TO E NERGY 1.Identify and describe energy resources. 2.Distinguish between limited and sustainable resources. 3.Determine how energy is used in the United States. 4.Evaluate how energy is produced and used locally, nationally, and worldwide.
L ESSON 1 – I NTRODUCTION TO E NERGY Lab A: Whats in Your Neighborhood? –Identify specific energy resources available in your area –Calculate the economic implications –Analyze the environmental impacts (positive and negative) Lab B: Analyzing Energy Use Worldwide –Identify a country with high energy use –Analyze energy resources used in that country –Evaluate alternative energy options
L ESSON 2 – T HE N EED FOR A LTERNATIVE E NERGY S OURCES 1. Define the greenhouse effect and its implications. 2. Define global warming and its effects. 3. Evaluate possible human and non-human factors that may contribute to global warming. 4. Analyze the carbon cycle. 5. Evaluate the current and future availability of carbon based sources of energy. 6. Investigate how the use of biofuels may reduce the pollution that causes global warming. 7. Examine the economic benefits of utilizing biofuels.
L ESSON 2 – T HE N EED FOR A LTERNATIVE E NERGY S OURCES Lab A: Food versus Fuel Debate –Utilize analytical and public speaking skills –Schedule provided for presentation of materials, rebuttal, and concluding statements Lab B: Comparing Heat Transfer from Biodiesel and Petroleum-based Diesel –Compare petroleum-based diesel fuel with biodiesel fuel by calculating amount of fuel burned in specific time period
L ESSON 3 – T HE S OYBEAN 1.Investigate the history of soybean production. 2.Determine the many uses for soybeans. 3.Describe the characteristics of the soybean plant and identify its parts.
L ESSON 3 – T HE S OYBEAN Lab A: Dissecting a Soybean Seed –Identify parts of functions of a soybean seed –Replicate a soybean seed diagram –Extract the soybean parts
L ESSON 4 - B IODIESEL 1.Define biodiesel and identify different feedstocks used to create biodiesel. 2.Investigate the history of biodiesel. 3.Distinguish between different blends of biodiesel and raw vegetable oil. 4.Describe the benefits of using biodiesel. 5.Analyze the chemical properties of biodiesel. 6.Examine the biodiesel production process. 7. Determine the appropriate safety procedures to follow when producing biodiesel.
L ESSON 4 – B IODIESEL Lab A: Making Biodiesel –Safety procedures and lab information –Create biodiesel
H OW D O I P URCHASE A B IODIESEL K IT ? Can be purchased from ITCS Total cost for ALL materials will be approximately $500 Available for purchase mid-September