16-19 Transfer – a national perspective and update Gerard McAlea 16-19 Transfer Programme
Rationale for the change NOT A DEFICIT MODEL Success of Colleges LSC drive Putting 0-19 commissioning in the hands of a single body, reflecting principles of local decision making at the right level supporting the delivery of the RPA and the 14-19 entitlements Enabling LAs to take a more integrated approach to provision of all Children’s Services 0-19 for their residents Creating at a regional level a good join up with regional economic planning
Principles governing our policy development Keeping it simple Removing bureaucracy Freeing good providers Better use of data Improving learner choice
What’s new (1) LAs commission all provision for young people including LLDD, Offender Learning Sub regional groups ensure coherence across travel to learn areas, agree single dialogue ‘lead LA’ arrangements for colleges Regional planning fora moderate against regional indicative budgets, and considers post 19 links Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) provides overall budgetary control, issues LA allocations when plans agreed, maintains funding system, supports LAs with commissioning and data analysis
What’s new (2) Sixth Form Colleges can re-designate to have performance management relationship with LAs; use of Framework for Excellence Changes to Sixth Form presumption arrangements Shadow arrangements between LSC and LAs through the transition: ‘tracking’ for 09/10 allocations; ‘transition’ for 10/11 allocations Building LA Capacity through LGA/ADCS and DCSF AoC Links and capacity strengthening underway
16 -19 commissioning transfer: progress Transferring responsibility for planning and funding 16-19 provision from the LSC to Local Authorities from 2010 as proposed in Raising Expectations White Paper (March 2008) Following positive response to consultation, we have been working closely with AoC and other partners (LGA, ADCS) on the following developments: Legislation New LA duties and powers, YPLA set up and SFC designation Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill in Committee Stage LA capacity and capability Initial SRG proposals received end September identifying 41 groupings Joint LGA/ADCS support programme (React) operating Commissioning cycle Detailed end-to-end commissioning process has been developed in consultation with partners YPLA design Detailed design work progressed with stakeholders – including agreeing core functions and purpose and interactions with SFA and NAS Transition planning Working with LSC to best retain staff expertise Tracking and transition years in place for 2008/09 and 2010/11 Communications Joint DCSF / DIUS transfer bulletin published monthly Comms strategy in place covering all stakeholders Performance assessment Progressing FfE pilot in SSFs and working on detailed performance management arrangements for all providers
Sub-Regional Groupings as at 31 October 2008 41 proposed across 9 regions Guidance by 20 November
End-to-end commissioning cycle
Next Steps Bill Committee Stage Stage 2 sub-regional groupings received; Final proposals in 2009 Developing HR strategy