Experience, success criteria and mistakes to avoid when trying to identify varieties with high market potential and winning investment for seed scaling and commercialisation
Qtn:1 Key drivers for private seed organisations to dev’p or license new varieties Understand market/ consumer demand Understanding growth adaptability rate (product profile) Product Usage / development – new life style trends dictate dev’tmt of nutritious rich foods Market segmentation – some varieties are market driven as opposed to other Analysis of market trend dev’t/ product diversifiaction
QTN 2. How market research --- can be used to identify promising varieties Stated preference approach – marketing tool to anticipate product usage, demand & adaptability
Qtn 3. Why no1 &2 is it important Product development starts at consumer level Otherwise investment will be lost or wasted if little or no regard is given to this ## Bottom top approach Who has the skills & experience All stake holders involved along the value chain
Qtn 4. How value of new variety can be determined (social & economic) Product testing Surveys to ascertain social & economic impact Qtn ans approach i.e ascertian usage, adaptability, test, preference willingness to pay
Qtn5. Contribution of commercial buz cases Information sharing
Qtn 6. How can technology be Used? Big data – database of all stakeholders Collection of different kinds of relevant data
Qtn7. Shared insights on critical drivers for new product design Information sharing Information sharing regulations Collaborations Strengthening linkages with stakeholders i.e through business linkages
How well understood is DLB Not yet. Need for more capacity building and more stakeholder engagement along the value chain
How to win support for closer linkages Stakeholder engagement Must be a shared interest Food and nutrition policy