DNA Extraction -DNA exists in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell; this means there are two membranes that separate the DNA from the environment -to get the DNA, cells must first be extracted; this is the saline rinse for your mouth – it removes cells -the cells are added to Chelex; the beads will help to break open the cells -Chelex also prevents any enzymes in the cell from destroying the DNA
DNA Extraction -the sample is then boiled for 10 minutes which lyses (or breaks open) the cells -the cells are then spun which separates the Chelex and cell debris from the DNA -the cell DNA is extracted and put through a process known as PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
DNA Extraction -this replicates (or amplifies) the DNA many times so that a large enough sample can be analyzed -this is done using heat to separate (or denature) the DNA strands and cooling to attach the first bases (or anneal primer) to DNA strands and then heating again to continue adding more bases (or extension)
DNA Extraction Cartoon Directions: Draw a cartoon that depicts what is happening to the cell when the Chelex is added to your cells. Remember: The Chelex is heated so that the chemicals and beads move faster and it prevents enzymes from destroying the DNA while the beads help to break open the cell