Project SUCCESS in Language and Literacy Instruction A Title III National Professional Development Program
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Representatives Dr. Georgeanne Warnock Associate Superintendent Carolina Christiansen Director or Elementary Bilingual-ESL Olivia Pérez Director of Secondary Bilingual-ESL Dr. Shirley Wright Director, Language Arts Research & Assessment Susan Kelly Director, Elementary Language Arts Dr. Patty Parker Director, Assessment & Accountability
Latino Family Literacy Project Region 10 ESC Latino Family Literacy Project Enrique Jolay Consultant Katherine Del Monte Consultant
Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) José A. Velázquez, M.Ed. Consultant Paula Johnson, M.A. Director
Project UNT Faculty and Students
GRANT AWARD Project SUCCESS won a competitive award of $2,709,123 from September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2022 from the Office of English Acquisition of the USDOE. The amounts will be released for availability on a yearly basis based on progress made: Year 1: 526,607 (awarded) • Year 2: 549,881 (awarded) • Year 3: 549,844 • Year 4: 548,917 • Year 5: 533,884 As fiscal agent, UNT will operate the grant from the Bilingual/ESL Teacher Education Office in Denton under the direction of Dr. Rossana Boyd. Her office staff will coordinate activities with partner representatives and with the two full time employees that UNT will hire to work in Carrollton - Farmers Branch ISD.
Overall Five Year Impact 20 CFBISD schools will participate: Blair, Blanton, Carrollton, Central, Davis, Farmers Branch, Furneaux, Good, Kent, Landry, La Villita, Las Colinas, McWorther, Rainwater, Riverchase, Sheffield, Stark, McLaughlin/Strickland and Thompson. 290 teachers will receive professional development: 75, PK-2 regular classroom teachers (15 schools, 5 teachers each) 50, 5th and 6th grade dual language teachers 50, 5th and 6th grade science and social studies content teachers 40, 3rd grade literacy teachers 75, UNT Bilingual and ESL pre-service teachers
Priorities of Project SUCCESS Improve instruction for English Learners. Improve English learners’ parent, family, and community engagement. Research English Learners’ academic outcomes after participating in small group instruction. Quasi experimental study.
Goals and Objectives of the Project Goal 1: Prepare bilingual and English as a second language teachers to meet the needs of English learners in grades EC-6. Objective 1. Each year of the project, 15 pre-service teachers will be prepared at the University of North Texas as EC-6 bilingual or English as a second language teachers with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to serve English learners.
Goals and Objectives of the Project Goal 2: Improve literacy instruction and family engagement skills of in-service teachers serving English learners in grades PK to 6th in Carrollton - Farmers Branch Independent School District. Objective 1. Each year of the project, 15 teachers of English learners in grades PK to 2 will participate in professional development on how to engage Latino families in literacy activities with their children.
Goals and Objectives of the Project Goal 2: Improve literacy instruction and family engagement skills of in-service teachers serving English learners in grades PK to 6th in Carrollton - Farmers Branch Independent School District. Objective 2. Each year 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the project, 10 3rd grade in-service teachers will participate in a treatment group of a quasi-experimental research study.
Goals and Objectives of the Project Goal 2: Improve literacy instruction and family engagement skills of in-service teachers serving English learners in grades PK to 6th in Carrollton - Farmers Branch Independent School District. Objective 3. Each year of the project, 20, 5th and 6th grade in-service teachers of ELs will participate in professional development to improve their instruction.
Contact Information UNT Project SUCCESS Contacts Dr. Rossana Boyd Project Director 1155 Union Circle # 310740 Denton, TX 76203 940.565.2933 Anita Peña Deschner Project Specialist UNT Project SUCCESS in CFBISD Contacts Esperanza Hilts Project Facilitator 1820 Pearl Street Carrollton, TX 75006 972.968.6526 Teresa Anaya Troncoso Family and Community Liaison 972.968.6566