Ging-Sou Scripture: Ko^lo^si 3:20; Nzamc Leiz-Latc 5:16 Tongx Nimc Meih Nyei Diex Maac Nyei Fuqv The Blessing of Honoring Your Parents Ging-Sou Scripture: Ko^lo^si 3:20; Nzamc Leiz-Latc 5:16 Colossians 3:20; Deuteronomy 5:16
Ko^lo^si 3:20: “Fu'jueiv aah Ko^lo^si 3:20: “Fu'jueiv aah! Yiem maanc sic oix zuqc muangx diex maac weic zuqc naaiv se zoux horpc Ziouv nyei hnyouv.” Colossians 3:20:“Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.” (NKJ)
Nzamc Leiz-Latc 5:16: "Oix zuqc tongx nimc meih mbuo nyei diex maac ziux ZIOUV, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, hatc nyei waac, weic bun meih mbuo ziangh duqv siouc nyuonh ndaauv yaac duqv longx yiem ZIOUV, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, jiu bun meih mbuo nyei deic-bung.” Deuteronomy 5:16: “Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you.” (NKJ)
Biux Mengh Waac Introduction Tongx nimc diex maac caux muangx diex maac njaaux nyei waac se benx jienv haic nyei lingc. Haaix dauh maiv tongx nimc ninh nyei diex maac nor, ninh nyei maengc mv maaih longx nyei jauv. Honoring parents and obeying parents instruction is important commandments. Who do not honor his or her parents, his life or her life do not go well.
Wuov dauh mienh lunx mienh Apc^saa^lom yiem longx nyei fai Wuov dauh mienh lunx mienh Apc^saa^lom yiem longx nyei fai?” (2 Saa^mu^en 18:29). Ndaawitv Hungh naaic, naaiv joux waac-naaic ba’laqc zaih haic . Ninh nyei dorn zungv daic mingh biopv jienv yiem wuov lomc nyei domh! kuotv yaac zorqv la'bieiv ndui jienv benx yietc domh! ndui la'bieiv lauh aqv (ys.17). “Is the young man Absalom safe? (2 Samuel 18:29). King David asked that question too late. His son was already dead and buried in a pit in the wood under a heap of stones (v.17).
Maiv dungx hnangv ninh nor zoux zuov meih nyei fu’jueiv lauh Maiv dungx hnangv ninh nor zoux zuov meih nyei fu’jueiv lauh. Meih nyei dorn yiem longx nyei fai? Meih nyei sieqv yiem longx nyei fai? Ninh mbuo maiv longx se gorngv ninh mbuo caux meih jiu tong nyei jauv maiv horpc nor. Don’t make the same mistake of waiting so long with your children. Is your son safe? Is your daughter safe? They are not safe when they are in a wrong relationship with you.
Haaix dauh dorn fai sieqv doix-dekc ninh mbuo nyei die fai maa zoux bieiv nyei jauv nor, naaiv se cingv fai dorh Tin-Hungh nyei nouz fai zioux daaih. Any son or daughter who is rebelling against their father’s leadership or their mother’s leadership invites the wrath or curse of God.
Ziepc Diuh Lingc gorngv: "Oix zuqc tongx nimc meih mbuo nyei diex maac ziux ZIOUV, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, hatc nyei waac, weic bun meih mbuo ziangh duqv siouc nyuonh ndaauv yaac duqv longx yiem ZIOUV, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, jiu bun meih mbuo nyei deic-bung.” (Nzamc Leiz-Latc 5:16). The Ten Commandments state: “Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you” (Deut. 5:16).
Se gorngv meih doix-dekc caux meih nyei die fai meih nyei maa nor, naaiv se maiv maaih longx nyei kuv jauv bun taux meih nyei maengc, caux meih yaac maiv maaih siouc nyuonh ndaauv yiem naaiv norm lungh ndiev. If you are in rebellion against your father or your mother, it will not be well with you, and you will not have a long life in this world.
Se gorngv meih hnamv daaih Tin-Hungh maiv zeiz gengh ziangh zien gorngv nor, doqc (Cong-Mengh Waac 30:17) mangc: "Mienh huotv ninh nyei die, mangc piex, maiv muangx ninh nyei maa nyei waac, ziouc zuqc horngz nyei norqc aa nyorqv ninh nyei m'zing cuotv, yaac zuqc domh jaangv-ngongh nyanc ninh nyei sei.” If you think God isn’t serious, read on: “The eye that mocks his father, and scorns obedience to his mother, the ravens of the valley will pick it out, and the young eagles will eat it” (Proverbs 30:17).
Nunc naamh nunc nyuoz, fai dorn sieqv aac, meih mbuo se maiv longx, se gorngv meih mbuo nyei jiu tong jauv caux meih mbuo nyei die, meih mbuo nyei maa maaih doix dekc nor. Young man, young woman, you are not safe when you are in a wrong relationship with your father and your mother.
Mv baac meih gorngv, “Yie nyei die zoux dorngc yie ndaangc Mv baac meih gorngv, “Yie nyei die zoux dorngc yie ndaangc.” Meih haih guangc bun meih nyei die duqv nyei, meih yaac haih tong nimc ninh duqv nyei, Tin-Hungh mbuox gorngv naaic se benx fuqv bun meih, se gorngv meih hnangv naaic zoux nor. But you say, “My father wronged me.” You forgive your father and you honor your father; it will bless you in the counsel of God.
Caux Tin-Hungh ganh oix zoux bun meih nyei die Caux Tin-Hungh ganh oix zoux bun meih nyei die. Mv baac se gorngv meih oix duqv longx nor, meih oix zuqc guangc ninh mbuo zoux dorngc meih nyei sic, yaac zanc-zanc zoux jienv longx nyei jauv mingh. And God will deal with your father. But if you want it to be well with you, you forgive them and keep walking.
Meih mbuo yiem longx nyei fai Meih mbuo yiem longx nyei fai? Se gorngv meih maaih maiv horpc nyei fiem-fingx huotv meih nyei diex maac caux mangc piex meih nyei diex maac fai maiv muangx meih nyei diex maac, naaiv se meih ganh dorh Tin-Hungh nyei zioux daaih njiec taux meih ganh nyei m’nqorngv. Are you safe? If you have an attitude that mocks or scorn or leads to disobedience to your parents, you bring upon yourself the curse of God.
Ham se Noyaa nyei dorn, ninh baaic ninh nyei die nyei hmien caux huotv ninh nyei die, liuz ninh ganh dorh zuqc zioux nyei jauv njiec taux ninh nyei hmuangv doic weic ninh zoux nyei sic (Tin Deic Douh 9:25). Ham, the son of Noah, shamed and mocked his father, and he brought a curse upon his family because of it (Genesis 9:25).
Muangx diex maac nyei jauv se benx mbuo nyei gong-ginc, tongx nimc diex maac nyei jauv se yiem meih lunx nyei ziangh hoc mingh taux ninh mbuo nyei seix jiex, mv baac meih corc horpc zuqc tongx nimc ninh mbuo nyei. Obeying our parents is our main task when are young but honoring them should continue even beyond their death.
Maaih yietc nyungc jauv tongx nimc diex maac se tengx ninh mbuo dongh ninh mbuo qiemx zuqc zinh nyaanh nyei ziangh hoc fai butv baengc nyei ziangh hoc caux ninh mbuo mv haih liuc leiz ziux goux ninh mbuo ganh nyei ziangh hoc. One way to honor parents is provide for in times of financial need or when they are ill and unable to care for themselves.
Maaih yietc diuc longx jiex nyei jauv se tongx nimc ninh mbuo biux mengh taux Giduc nyei tongx nimc jauv bun mbuo nyei fu’jueiv hiuv duqv benx maaih jaax-zinh nyei jauv bun ninh mbuo. Perhaps the best way to honor them is to pass on their Christ-honoring values to our children.
Tongx nimc diex maac nyei jauv se benx maaih jaax-zinh nyei nyungc zeiv jauv bun mbuo nyei dorn mbuo nyei sieqv mbuo zuotc yiem ninh mbuo nyei maengc, tengx ninh mbuo hoqc hiuv taux taaih ginx nyei jauv. Honoring involves all that our son and daughters do with their lives-the way they work and talk, the values they hold, and the morals they practice.
E^fe^so 6:2-3 "Oix zuqc tongx nimc meih mbuo nyei diex maac E^fe^so 6:2-3 "Oix zuqc tongx nimc meih mbuo nyei diex maac." Naaiv se da'yietv diuh lingc maaih laengz nyei waac caux jienv. 3 Hnangv naaiv, "Weic bun meih mbuo duqv longx yaac ziangh duqv siouc nyuonh ndaauv yiem baamh gen." Ephesians 6:2-3 "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise—3 "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." "Oix zuqc tongx nimc meih mbuo nyei diex maac, meih mbuo cingx daaih ziangh duqv siouc nyuonh ndaauv.” (Cuotv I^yipv 20:12). "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land.” Exodus 20:12).
Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion Meih zoux nyei sic biux mengh bun meih nyei diex maac duqv taaih nyei fai? Meih ziangh nyei maengc bun meih nyei diex maac duqv tongx nimc nyei fai? What are you doing to show respect to your parents? Are you living in a way that brings honor to them?