Working Group #1 Primer.


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Presentation transcript:

Working Group #1 Primer

2019 Peace and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop Objective: The working group will develop a recommendation for producing an Education and Certification path for the Stabilization Workforce. The working group will utilize currently offered courses, identifying gaps and providing recommended experiences. An inherent secondary objective includes the development of mechanism for tracking DOD personnel with stabilization education and experience. Stabilization Assistance Review (SAR) Guidance Document: Incorporating SAR Principles into Foreign Assistance Program Planning and Design Defense Support to Stabilization_Info Paper_3.2019 SAR.Annex.Cable.19-STATE-8280.eml Stabilization Assistance Review (SAR) DODD 3000.05 CA Course Placemats JKO Listings JSOU – Course offerings Other Educational Course catalogs Title First Name Last Name Org OrgLocation Position Phone Emergency Phone Colonel Calvin Fish OUSD-P SO/LIC SHA Pentagon Policy Assistant for Civil Affairs 571-256-2966 703-269-8150 13664 SOVEREIGN WAY Ken Woods Marine Corps Civil-Military Operations School Quantico, VA Curriculum Developer / Planning Instructor 7039755921 7039755920 Col. (Ret.) Christopher Holshek Civil Affairs Association Ft. Bragg, NC Program Director 1.845.800.6880 +57 (320) 257 1850 LTC Nathan Reynolds USINDOPACOM Camp H.M. Smith, HI Deputy TCAPT Chief 808-477-7596 910-849-8585 Ms. Rachel Davis Civil Affairs Proponent Fort Bragg, NC Military Government Program Manager 910-907-4173 910-322-9358 Mr. Robert Douglas USSOCOM, Joint Civil Affairs Proponent Office MacDill AFB Senior Analyst 813-826-2416 910-308-6472 MAJOR Lee Mathews Joint Civil Affairs Proponent Office SOCOM MacDill AFB Chief 4074936886 Mr. Andrew Kostrub OUSD(P&R)/Force Education and Training Pentagon Policy Analyst 703-697-9331 202-215-7990 MAJ Roger Vogel 83rd CA Bn Fort Bragg, NC Chief of Plans 910-908-1209 910-364-1583 Dr. Tom Moore U.S. Navy War College Monterey, CA Professor of Joint Military Operations 8316562642 8312245459 COL Tony Thacker CENTCOM/IAG/CAOD Macdill AFB, Fl Civil Affairs Operations Dision Chief 813-529-5553 Logistics Specialist Steven Holland Joint Center for International Security Force Assi Fort Leavenworth, KS Strategic and Operational Support Division 913-684-3629 417-637-2361 WG#1 Stabilization Workforce Education and Certification

2019 Peace and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop Level 1: Stabilization Practitioner – Target Audience is Non-Civil Affairs Personnel. Tactical level leaders from the Grade of E5/E6/E7 to O1/O2/O3. (Need to look at grade requirements for separate training offerings.) DOS - ???? USAID - JHOC/OTI Training MCCOS - CA for NON-CA/Other JKO: JMESI -US046-JMESI - Joint Operations - Exercises (1 hr)-Section 001 /JMESI -US048-JMESI - Joint Operations Three: Military Stability Operations (1hr)??????/ JMESI -US008-JMESI - Conflict Management Decision-based Module (1 hr)/ JMESI -US009-JMESI - Conflict Management One: Principles (1 hr)/ JMESI -US010-JMESI - Conflict Management Two: Negotiation (1 hr) AWC/AFCLC: Air Force Culture General Course (ZZ133104) / ITC - INTRODUCTION TO CULTURE/ CCC - CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION JSOU: ???? Army WC/PKSOI: ???? Experience: Exercise with Stabilization aspects?

2019 Peace and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop Level 2: Stabilization Operational Planner - Target Audience is Civil Affairs Personnel (non-Civil Affairs Personnel by exception). Operational level leaders from the Grade of E7/E8 to O3/O4/O5. (Need to look at grade requirements for separate training offerings. Determine pre-requisites for Civilians (DOD and IA)) DOS - ???? CAQC - Curriculum? USAID - JHOC/OTI Training MCCOS - Planners Curriculum/Other JKO: JMESI -US048-JMESI - Joint Operations Three: Military Stability Operations (1hr)??????/ JMESI -US008-JMESI - Conflict Management Decision-based Module (1 hr)/ JMESI -US009-JMESI - Conflict Management One: Principles (1 hr)/ JMESI -US010-JMESI - Conflict Management Two: Negotiation (1 hr) AWC: ITC - INTRODUCTION TO CULTURE/ CCC - CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION JSOU: Civil Military Operations Campaign Planning Workshop Army WC/PKSOI: ????

2019 Peace and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop Level 3: Stabilization Strategic Planner - Target Audience is Civil Affairs Personnel (non-Civil Affairs Personnel by exception). Strategic level planners from the Grade of E8/E9 to O4/O5/O6. (Need to look at grade requirements for separate training offerings. Determine pre-requisites for Civilians (DOD and IA)) DOS - ???? CAQC - Curriculum? USAID - JHOC/OTI Training MCCOS - Planners Curriculum/CA for NON-CA/Other JKO: JMESI -US048-JMESI - Joint Operations Three: Military Stability Operations (1hr)??????/ JMESI -US008-JMESI - Conflict Management Decision-based Module (1 hr)/ JMESI -US009-JMESI - Conflict Management One: Principles (1 hr)/ JMESI -US010-JMESI - Conflict Management Two: Negotiation (1 hr) AWC: EL6214: CULTURAL HERITAGE & PROPERTY PROTECTION IN CONFLICT JSOU: Civil Military Operations Campaign Planning Workshop Army WC/PKSOI:

J3O P-US1141 JFC 100 Module 01: Introduction to Joint Fundamentals (2 hrs)  J3O P-US1143 JFC 100 Module 03: Joint Operations (2 hrs) J4O P-US1144 JFC 100 Module 04: Joint Force Sustainment (2 hrs) J3O P-US1145 JFC 100 Module 05: Joint Operations Planning (2 hrs) J3O P-US1146 JFC 100 Module 06: Joint Command, Control, and Communication (2 hrs) J3O P-US1147 JFC 100 Module 07: Joint Fires and Joint Targeting (2 hrs) J3S N-US1148 JFC 100 Module 08: Interorganizational Coordination and Multinational Operations (1.5 hrs)  J3O P-US1149 JFC 200 Module 01: CCIR at the Operational Level (1 hr) J3O P-US1150 JFC 200 Module 02: Gaining and Sharing Information and Knowledge (1 hr) J3O P-US1151 JFC 200 Module 03: Interorganizational Coordination (2 hrs) J3O P-US1152 JFC 200 Module 04: JTF Level Command Relationships and Joint Force Organizations (1 hr) J3O P-US1153 JFC 200 Module 05: Design and Planning (1.5 hr) J3O P-US1154 JFC 200 Module 06: Communication Strategy (1 hr) J3O P-US1155 JFC 200 Module 07: Joint HQ Organization, Staff Integration, and Battle Rhythm (1 hr) J3O P-US1156 JFC 200 Module 08: Intelligence Operations at the Operational Level (2 hrs) J3O P-US1157 JFC 200 Module 09: Integration of Lethal and Nonlethal Actions (1 hr) J3O P-US1158 JFC 200 Module 10: Joint Sustainment (1 hr) J3O P-US1159 JFC 200 Module 11: Assessment (1 hr) J3O P-US1160 JFC 200 Module 12: Authorities Course (1 hr)  J3O P-US1187 Introduction to the Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform (2.5 hrs) J3O P-US1214 Unity of Effort Framework (3 hrs) J3O P-US1240 Joint Civil Information Management (JCIM) (2hrs) J3O P-US1245 Protection of Civilians (PoC) (1 hr) J3O P-US1254 Cross-Cultural Negotiations (CCN) - Civil Affairs (2 hrs) J3O P-US1256 Humanitarian Assistance Response Training (HART) (9.5 hrs) J3O P-US1277 Introduction to the Mission Partner Environment (1 hr) J3O P-US1278 Mission Partner Environment Planning (1.5 hrs) J3O P-US1335 SFA 201 Building Partner Security Capacity (1 hr) J3O P-US1336 Security Force Assistance 101 - (1 hr) J3O P-US1384 Information Operations for the Joint Warfighter (1 hr) J3O P-US1385 Civilian-Military Information Sharing (CMIS) (1 hr) J3O P-US1389 Role of the Gender Advisor (1 hr)     J3S N-US649-HB Human Rights Awareness Education (1 hr J3O P-US744 Cross-Cultural Competence Trainer (3CT) V2 - (2 hrs) J3O P-US830 Department of Justice 101 - Interagency Course (1 hr) J3O P-US834 Department of State 101 - Interagency Course (1 hr) J3S T-US348 Writing an Effective Annex V Course (3 hrs) J5S T-US133 Planning and Execution of United Nations Peacekeeping Missions (8 hrs) JDTC -US002 Joint Planning Orientation Course (JPOC) (9 hrs) JDTC -JD1101 JPES Overview (Must use IE browser) (2 hrs) Introduction to Irregular Warfare - Distance Learning (JKO) JSOU********************************* SOC 3608 CMOS Civil-Military Operations Seminar Unclassified 36 SOC 3620 JCMOCPW Joint Civil-Military Operations Campaign Unclassified 80 Planning Workshop SOS 3237 CASO Cultural Analysis in Special Operations Unclassified 3