Phonics at fieldhead Welcome to the session
What is Phonics and how can I help my child? Phonics is all about the combination of skills for reading and spelling + knowledge of the alphabet Learning Phonics will help your child to become a good reader and writer.
Phonics @ Fieldhead Children in Reception have a daily Phonics lesson. This lasts for around 20 minutes We teach the children 4 new phonemes every week We also teach the children two tricky words every week We use the Jolly Phonics teaching program
Phonics @ fieldhead In Phonics the children may refer to Phonemes & Graphemes A Phoneme is the smallest sound you can hear in a word A Grapheme is the spelling of a sound We also teach the children how to read and write a digraph (two phonemes) and a trigraph (3 phonemes)
Phonics @ fieldhead Saying the sounds Sounds must be said in their purest form. Try not to add extra sounds to consonant phonemes m t p
Phonics @ Fieldhead Blending Sounds Segmenting Sounds Children must be able to hear all of the individual phonemes in a word before putting them together in reading. eg: you say b – u – s your child says bus Segmenting Sounds Children must be able to hear a whole word and then break it down into its individual phonemes. eg: you say bed your child can hear b – e – d
How you can help your child! Phonics @ Fieldhead How you can help your child! Nursery Rhymes, repetitive stories with rhyme Musical instruments (pots and wooden spoons) Talking about sounds (Loud/quiet high/low fast/slow) Add sound effects to stories
Phonics @ fieldhead We tell a story about each phoneme and give it an action to help the children remember and make connections. Each phoneme also has a song which we sing regularly.
Phonics @ fieldhead And finally….. Reading at home is crucial for your child to embed their phonics skills learnt in school. Sharing picture books is a great opportunity for children to exercise their imaginations and think about sounds in the story. Your child brings home a phonics book each week with the sounds they have learnt so they can practice. And if you want to come a join in some phonics sessions with the children where they can be your teachers let me know! And finally…..