Smarter Businesses & Better Products/Services Marketing Platform Smarter Businesses & Better Products/Services DrivOns 1. Market To Any Area 2. Market To Any Demographic Mobile Application 3. Learn More About Customers In Their Town & City Good evening everyone, my name is Antonio Chabrier and I am president of DrivOns the first location based loyalty program application. Now… before I get into the details of what my company does I just want to go over some important statistics with all of you.
Reward Point Value Current Location Reward Region Award Points 1st St. Location based loyalty programs I mentioned this phrase in the beginning of this presentation but now lets go over it with some more detail. Loyalty programs today are focused around emails, snail mail, specialty cards, credit cards, etc. But what location based loyalty programs do differently is actively utilize location aware services to identify a businesses ideal customers and where they are. We do this by first allowing businesses to define a reward region which can be placed anywhere on a map. Once created the business then defines a point value for that region. And once the current location of a potential customer with a DrivOns enabled device is identified within the reward region the points are then awarded to them. And these points can be redeemed for special coupons, offers or anything a business wants to give.
1st St. 2nd St. Peach Rd. Cherry St.
Activities 2 1 3 Time Times Time Period Duration Frequency 0:00 0:05 Enters at Enters at 7pm 1pm Exits at Exits at 7:30pm 6pm 1st St. 0:00 0:05 0:30 0:15 0:20 0:10 0:55 1:00 0:25 0:35 0:50 0:40 0:45 Mins Hour
Drive Marketing Further Than & Drive Marketing Further Than It Has Ever Gone Before 1. Find Computer Programmer 2. Finish Prototype & PoC Connect With Mentors & Advisors
DrivOns DrivOns Antonio Chabrier (518) 944-0457 Driving Marketing Further Antonio Chabrier (518) 944-0457 President
Creates Valuable Big Data for Businesses DrivOns User: Bob Duration Frequency Time Period Creates Valuable Big Data for Businesses Around 8am and 5pm Mon. - Fri. Restaurant’s Conclusion Our Reward Region is probably on Bob’s way to work so let’s send him points and dinner offers so we can market to him when he leaves work at 5pm. 2 hours 10 Times
50 100 +50 Share Ads for Points User Benefits The Promo Zone BOGO Sandwich: 100 Points The Promo Zone Bob’s Points BOGO Sandwich 50 Congrats! +50 Points Share Ads for Points User Benefits The Promo Zone 100
Win-Win-Win Situation The Gift Tank Bob’s Friend Bob’s Reward 1. Bob Gets Promo Points Win-Win-Win Situation The Gift Tank 2. Friend Gets a Gift 3. Business Gets W.O.M. So there are a lot of features that we at DrivOns really feel can take our application straight to the top. And I want to share with you one of the coolest features that will engage users at a social level. The gift Tank. The gift tank will allow users who receive enough points for offers that they may not want to send them to their friends. So for example I finally receive enough points to redeem a by one get one free bra at Victoria’s secret. Now to my dismay I do not need a bra from victorias secret but with the gift tank I can now send that reward to my friend. By which doing so I get points towards something else, my friend gets an amazing reward, and Victoria’s secret gets word of mouth advertising. Now to me that seems pretty cool.