OGC Marine DWG Update for MSDIWG (Vancouver 2017) By Andy Hoggarth, Sebastian Carisio, Jonathan Pritchard Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium
Purpose of the Marine DWG There is a gap in the current OGC baseline regarding marine geospatial data with an emphasis on hydrography and ocean mapping. To support smart exchange methods required for interoperability with organizations such as the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and International Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) and their data standards. Motivated by the widening use of marine data for purposes other than safe navigation, described frequently as Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI). Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium
Problem Statement for Marine DWG Geospatial data has been successfully standardized for navigational purposes by hydrographic agencies for years. Data now in demand for a much wider range of applications. Chart data is a major source of information but does not lend itself automatically for wider use. bathymetric grids, points clouds, seafloor sediment mosaics and water column data may require further standardization. Data volumes and sources increasing driving standardized sensor processing and management techniques. Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium
Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium Functions of an OGC DWG Provide a forum for discussion and documentation of interoperability requirements Provide a forum to discuss and recommend document actions related to Interoperability Program Reports; Develop Change Requests for existing OGC Standards; Develop engineering reports for release as OGC White Papers, Discussion Papers or Best Practices Papers; Provide informational presentations and discussions about the market use of adopted OGC Standards; Have a formal approved charter that defines the DWG’s Scope of Work; have all-member voting policies Have missions and goals defined by the TC. Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC DWG‘s of Interest to Marine DWG Point Cloud – Use of point clouds increasing with Lidar, also Sonar data often stored as clouds MetOcean – Dealing with Met more than Ocean currently however much work done on netCDF for modelling Big Data – Data cubes, non-SQL databases, handling the 4V’s – Velocity, Volume, Variety, Varacity CRS – Driving new standards like the DGGS initiative SensorThings – Smart sensor networks and the IoT Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium
Copyright © 2016 Open Geospatial Consortium Marine DWG Members There are currently 60 members With only a handful from Hydrographic Offices Group chairs include: Sebastian Carisio – NGA Jonathan Pritchard – UKHO Andy Hoggarth – Teledyne CARIS Copyright © 2016 Open Geospatial Consortium
Requests made at HSSC8 meeting in Monaco Encourage member state participation in the Marine DWG Encourage regional member state participation at OGC TC meetings either in person or remotely via web conference It’s important the Hydrography has a voice and an opportunity to compare ideas with peers in the wider geospatial community Consider passing wider geospatial research topics important to the HSSC to the Marine DWG for pursual in the Marine DWG work program Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium
Related Actions from IHO HSSC OGC invited to report to HSSC (and MSDIWG) on the development of the DGGS and its possible impact on the IHO standards, products and services at HSSC 9 Ottawa. HSSC and MSDIWG invited to pass wider geospatial research topics to the OGC Marine Domain WG for inclusion in its work programme. Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium
Marine DWG Actions from MSDIWG Create White Paper on the MSDIWG top 3 issues for consideration. Address the technical aspects to these MSDIWG focus areas. Explore and document the most appropriate/usable formats for bathymetry dissemination to the broader user base. Bathymetry: HO’s most valuable, foundational dataset. “Explore the potential for an interoperability pilots and testbeds that help define the workflows for ensuring that marine geospatial data can be used for purposes other than navigation.” Begin structured OGC Project. Combine the investigation of a Pan-Arctic Bathymetry Database (ARMSDIWG), as primary use case, and build upon successes of the Arctic Spatial Data Pilot (SDP). In order to consolidate actions and focus the efforts of the Marine DWG to address needs of the MSDIWG, the white paper will focus on exploring the top 3 issues for consideration from the MSDIWG. Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium
Structured OGC Project Proposal Develop primary use case document with a focus on a Pan Arctic bathymetry database (ARMSDIWG, MSDIWG, OGC Marine DWG) Address best practice for core themes including: Raster Bathy (DEM), Vector Bathy (Contours, Sndgs) Sonar, Lidar, Crowd, Satellite Land and Sea integration, Coastline definition, Seamless DEM MSDIWG to develop governance best practice for sharing bathymetry (not Marine DWG) Develop OGC concept document for a testbed, identify funding requirements and sources (RHC’s, IHO stakeholders, OPP, NGA) Implement an Interoperability testbed for Pan Arctic bathymetry database Combined technology demonstrator (Caris, Esri, OGC stds) Implement a DGGS front end to share and access the combined data Share and educate with Antarctic stakeholders Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium