6-4 Assault
Assault and battery Assault is any attempt or threat to carry out a physical attack upon another person. Battery is any unlawful physical contact inflicted by one person upon another person without consent. ACTUAL INJURY IS NOT NECESSARY, only the intention to inflict bodily harm
1st Degree assault Inflicts GREAT BODILY HARM Permanent disfigurement, death likely Stabbed or shot Max = 20 years / $30,000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4
2nd degree assault Use of a weapon Gun, knife, scissors, roll of quarters, chair, bottle, belt…. Usually includes minor injury Max = 7 years / $14,000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDZS45xt8Io
Inflecting substantial bodily harm 3rd Degree assault Inflecting substantial bodily harm Temporary injuries that will heal – non scarring Broken bones, cuts, scrapes Max = 5 years / $10,000
4th Degree assault Assaulting a peace officer – Police, Fire Fighter, Guard, Teacher Motivated by bias – Assault based on race, religion, preference Slapping, punching, spitting, kicking Max = 1 year / $3,000 http://www.southernminnesotanews.com/assault-teen-girl-caught-video/
Performing an act causing harm or fear or harm. Max = 90 days / $700 5th Degree assault Performing an act causing harm or fear or harm. Pushing, Shoving, Threats Max = 90 days / $700