Jeopardy Let’s Play Jeopardy! Rules of the Game Team A – Regions 1,2,3,4,5 Team B – Regions 6,7,8,9,10 Any Team Member can Volunteer the Answer BUT Your Team only has 10 seconds to respond Audience Cheers Encouraged but Providing Answers from the Audience will Result in Consequences Including, But Not Limited to, Being Placed on an Overbooked United Flight for your Trip Home Let’s Play Jeopardy!
CIO Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Alternate Facts $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 What’s In An Acronym? The Best Planned Plans Alternate Facts Standards to Live By Regulations to Make You Crazy(ier) $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
What’s in An Acronym? $100 The California Code of Regulations that Governs Community Colleges What is Title V?
What’s in An Acronym? $200 FAFSA is the acronym for this newly streamlined form What is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid?
What’s in An Acronym? $300 5C is the acronym for this California community college committee, (formerly known as SACC). What is the California Community College Curriculum Committee?
What’s in An Acronym? $400 BS is an acronym that describes many things in the life of a CIO, but in this case it refers to this funding source from CCCCO What is Basic Skills?
What’s in An Acronym? $500 The acronym and full name for the agency that accredits California community colleges What is ACCJC or the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (Western Association of Schools and Colleges)
The Best Planned Plans $100 The CCCCO has created a plan integrating all of these funding sources What is the Student Success and Support Program, Student Equity Plan, and Basic Skills Transformation Grant
The Best Planned Plans $200 More and Better Career Technical Education to Increase Social Mobility and Fuel Regional Economies with Skilled Workers, is the definition for this plan What is the Strong Workforce Program Plan?
The Best Planned Plans $300 Three of the many projects that are part of the Education Planning Initiative (EPI) What are Starfish Early Alerts, the Professional Learning Network, the Curriculum Inventory system, and Degree Planning functions
The Best Planned Plans $400 The math and English placement process incorporating high school GPA, and/or an assessment evaluation What is Multiple Measures?
The Best Planned Plans $500 The core of our Student Equity Plan, this occurs when students of one group are negatively affected more than other groups What is Disproportionate Impact?
Alternate Facts $100 This classic movie line, uttered by Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry, reflects how many CIOs feel when threatened with a grievance What is “Go Ahead, Make My Day”?
Alternate Facts $200 The artificial intelligence system first introduced to the American public on a game show in 2011, which was seen as another step in the advance of analytics now being used in business and education What is Watson?
Alternate Facts $300 Three winners of the Carter Dornan Award who are still serving in the California Community College world Who are Pam Walker, Irene Malmgren, Mary Kay Rudolph, and/or Claire Biancalana?
Alternate Facts $400 The keynote speaker (or presenter) at over 20 community college events this past year Who is Eloy Ortiz Oakley?
Alternate Facts $500 Of the four divisions in the Chancellor’s Office, this division constitutes 17 of the 150 staff – or 9% -- of the total Chancellor’s Office staff What is Academic Affairs?
Standards to Live By $100 The most recent section added to the accreditation standards in 2014 that addresses Institutional Integrity What is Standard I.C?
Standards to Live By $200 The new(ish) ACCJC Standard addressing disaggregated data for SLOs What is Standard I.B.6?
Standards to Live By $300 A requirement regarding the oversight of faculty for the new Baccalaureate Degree, not previously monitored by ACCJC for Associate Degrees What are minimum qualifications for faculty ?
Standards to Live By $400 The new format in the self evaluation to allow colleges to discuss, in essay format, two or three areas identified for further study to “improve student learning and achievement” What is the Quality Focus Essay (or QFE)?
Standards to Live By $500 The 3 of the 4 categories of Resources addressed in Standard III? What is Human Resources, Physical Resources, Technology Resources, and/or Fiscal Resources?
Regulations to Make You Crazy(ier) $100 A target provided annually that holds colleges accountable for maintaining an inconsistent (across colleges) percentage of full time faculty What is Faculty Obligation Number (or FON)
Regulations to Make You Crazy(ier)$200 One of two new bills approved in 2016 requiring colleges to address part time hiring rights What is AB 1690 or SB 1379?
Regulations to Make You Crazy(ier)$300 The Ed Code requirement that this percentage of the general fund “shall be expended for payment of salaries of classroom instructors” What is the 50% Law?
Regulations to Make You Crazy(ier)$400 The latest education technology craze that promises to identify specific data points to gain insight into and make informed decisions about groups of students What are analytics?
Regulations to Make You Crazy(ier)$500 The current funding formula for community colleges that is often in conflict with the completion agenda and that makes some CIOs dream of retirement What is FTES?
Final Jeopardy Six of the academic and professional matters included in the 10 + 1 Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and places courses within disciplines Degree and certificate requirements Grading policies Educational program development Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports Policies for faculty professional development activities Processes for program review Processes for institutional planning and budget development