8th meeting of the Expert Group on Reporting (2 December 2010) Appetizer: EEA-presentation of using reported data Finalisation of most technical work (WP 1, 2, 3, 4) Indicative planning: Finalise SDF review early 2011 (after 3rd consultation Habitats Committee) Approve Art. 17 format May 2011 (after 2nd consultation Habitats Committee) Approve Art. 12 format May 2011 (after 2nd consultation Ornis Committee) 2011: technical implementation of reporting formats & tools (WP1,2,3,4) & debate on the future of the group Provisionally planned meetings Next Reporting Expert Group: March/April 2011 Next Habitats & Ornis Committee meeting: 13 May 2011
Some issues Cooperation between the Committees and the Expert Group: please cooperate closely please avoid introducing already discussed or completely new technical issues through the Committee consultations – all this should have been discussed in the expert group first otherwise: inefficient ping-pong Please use English in technical comments / feedback & also try to convince you Committee delegates to do so
Work-plan (Version 13, Nov 2010) Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives Work-plan (Version 13, Nov 2010) Work-package Title Main outputs at this moment Main objectives EG 2.12.2010 Finalising technical work WP1 Review of the Art.17 (HD) reporting exercise 2001-2006 Drafts reporting format & draft guidelines 1st EG-discussion on guidelines, finalising format Early 2011 WP2 Align Birds Directive reporting Draft birds reporting format (general & birds data-part), BiE3 cooperation details, draft reference list Discuss & finalise format, BiE3 modus of cooperation, N2K-part Subgroup: 3 March WP3 The evaluation of Natura 2000 impact on conservation status Draft on minimum data requirements, enlarged scope - SPAs Discuss minimum data requirements; WP4 Revision of Natura 2000 dataflow Draft revised Standard Data Form & legal text Finalise work, decide on last technical comments made by Habitats Committee End 2010 WP5 Finalise HaBides (derogation reporting) Upgraded version of Habides tools (in Java) Present latest adaptations, reminder to use it! Done (revision to continue) WP6 Notification of compensatory measures under Art. 6.4 (HD) Discussion paper - WP7 Develop vision for the presentation & access to data Natura 2000 public viewer