Warm-Up: Personal Grade Reflection 1) Complete the front side of the handout (checklist). BE HONEST about what you are and are not doing in this class. 2) Complete the “Summarize Yourself” section on the bottom.
iPad Work Day 1) Log onto your Synergy account, view your grade, and complete the handout in entirety. 2) Put any questions/notes you have for me on the form. Sign it, get your parent/guardian to sign it, and return it to me tomorrow. I will address your questions and concerns at that time. 3) Complete the Refugees iPad activities as listed on the handout. There are two sites you should visit and answer the questions.
Housekeeping Have you turned in…. “God Grew Tired of Us” assignment? Document Analysis Activity? today’s work? Do you have missing work from Unit 2 to turn it? The deadline is Monday 10/26. Don’t forget about your Unit 2 extra credit – due by Friday 11/6. You need the book Persepolis (graphic novel) – please get it by Friday 11/6.