Clair Beaver and Sean Pedrick-Case Effective use of data in South West – current practice and opportunities Clair Beaver and Sean Pedrick-Case
Membership growth report Volunteer enquiries management - Clair County level baselines Maps
Membership Growth Report
Aim of the Report ‘One stop shop’ for growth statistics A clear statistics report to use for growth reports To improve consistency within guiding statistics
Can we view the previous month? Who has access? Country and Region Staff Members who have CRM GO access. Not volunteers. Can we view the previous month? No, we have included line graphs to show how membership figures have changed over time. Will the report replace existing reports? Me This will be an additional report to the current three reports (enquiries, qualifications, stats summary) for the time being.
When will the report be updated? Data taken from GO Time frame for Updating the Report Report Available Last day of the month (e.g. 31 Sept 2018) 2 weeks 3rd week of the month (e.g. 22 Oct 2018)
WHO DO WE CONTACT? Berkshire Bristol & South Gloucestershire An offer was made to all County and Island Commissioners in early 2017 asking if they would like assistance from staff in the Region Office in dealing with New/Existing Submitted Volunteer enquiries. We would also follow up on previously contacted enquiries, resources permitting. This came into effect 01/05/2017 for those that accepted the offer of assistance. Berkshire Bristol & South Gloucestershire Cornwall – from June 2017 Dorset Gloucestershire Hampshire North CONSISTANT APPROACH AND TIMESCALE CONTACTED WITHIN 21 DAYS (NOW 7) DECREASE COMMISSIONER WORKLOAD IDENTIFY MEMBERS AND MERGE RECORDS IT WAS AN ALL OR NONE APPROACH – NOT INDIVIDUAL DISTRICTS/DIVISIONS – IF NOT INVOLVED, NEED TO SPEAK TO YOUR COMMISSIONER. We offered to make contact with new volunteer enquirers when they register - this offer was made to ensure the prospective volunteer was: Contacted within the 21 days (now changed to 7) There was a consistent approach and timescale to following them up It would help to decrease some of the workload for Commissioners – you would not need to chase for replies or look for units if they had already found a unit We could identify those that are already members and merge their records The one stipulation was that it had to either be the whole County/Island that we contacted or none at all. The number of District/Divisions across the region made it impractical to manage individual agreements. If you County/Island is not involved but you feel that it would be of benefit to you, then please speak with your County/Island Commissioner. Isle of Wight Wiltshire North – from April 2018 Wiltshire South Devon – previously contacted only
WHY NOW? In the County/Islands that we assist, the trend seems to be that the split between those the region contact and those that the local commissioners contact are getting smaller. The graphs below are from the last 2 Operational Committee reports. Today seemed a good opportunity to remind Commissioners of the process and to inform those Commissioners who were not in post when this was initially introduced. PROCESS HAS BEEN IN PLACE FOR 18 MONTHS NOW – THE FIGURES FOR THE MARCH OPERATIONS REPORT WHICH INCLUDED 2017 REGISTRATIONS WAS A 61% REGION CONTACT RATE. GETTING CLOSER TOGETHER - JUNE 2018 IT WAS A 47% REGION / 45% LOCAL SEPTEMBER 2018 IT WAS 42 % EACH REASONS: COMMISSIONERS CHANGED 7 DAY TIMESCALE AND AUTOMATED EMAILS BACK INTO OLD HABITS So why am I telling you about this now? This process has been in place for about 18 months now and the data we produced for the last 2 Operation Committee reports show that the split between those we liaise with and those that the local commissioners are contacting are getting closer. These charts show the 2018 registrations only The March 2018 report which included 2017 had a 61% rate of region contacting. This could be because: local commissioners have changed and the process has not been communicated to the new Commissioners The 7 days response time has been introduced with more emails being issued Just slipped back into old habits REFERENCE IF ASKED: Dealt Local – full or partial – Full means that the registration is picked up locally and notes added or status changed before region makes any attempt to contact. Partial means that we have tried to contact and have added notes and then a local commissioner adds notes to confirm that they have dealt/also got in touch. If you were to redo the October chart with the split of full or partial – it would be 32% full and 10% part. Deleted requests No Response Respond to say no longer interested Existing Member and role has been added straight onto their membership record Duplicates Wrong Region Registered in error Hoax registrations
WHAT DO WE DO? Volunteer registers on GO, contact normally made within 48 working hours of registration Call and speak to prospective volunteer – send information to Commissioner Call and leave a message on mobile/landline – pend for 2 working days Unable to call or no message service – email sent, pend for 5 working days 2nd Contact attempt based on the pending timescales above and following outcomes: Call and leave a message on mobile/landline and send an email, pend for 5 days Unable to call or no message service – 2nd email sent, pend for 5 working days 3rd and final attempt at contact 5 working days after 2nd contact attempt If 2 telephone messages and 1 email sent previously then a final email is sent If 2 emails have been sent and no phone messages then we issue a final letter If no response to 3rd and final email or letter within 10 working days then registration closed. The prospective volunteer should then receive an automated email as well to confirm record closed so they have a final chance to alert us. 3 STAGE APPROACH – BRIEFLY EXPLAIN EACH ONE – STRESS 48 HOURS POINTS TO NOTE: WE ALWAYS ADD NOTES ALWAYS TRY TO CONTACT AT THEIR PREFERRED TIME OR A SENSIBLE TIME ALWAYS CHECK NOTES – STOP WORKING ON IT IF LOCAL NOTES NOT REPLACING COMMISSIONERS – JUST DOING SOME OF THE INTIAL ADMIN – DON’T MEET AND ASSESS FOR SUITABILITY, RECRUITMENT CHECKS, WELCOME MEETINGS ETC. CONTACTED IS A 2 STEP APPROACH PLEASE ADD NOTES ONCE YOU HAVE FOLLOWED UP IF A VOLUNTEER IS NOT FOLLOWED UP – DANGER THEY ARE NO LONGER INTERESTED – 198 PREVIOUSLY CONTACTED VOLUNTEERS IN 2018 AT 30/09/18 – 51% DELETED AS OPPOSED TO THE 6% NEW SUBMITTED We have a 3 stage approach to getting in touch with the prospective volunteers – summarised on this slide but in a nutshell we make 3 attempts at contact via 2 different methods either phone and email or email and letter. We always check the notes and the status before each contact attempt and we also add notes to confirm what action we take. If any attempt at contact has been made locally, at whatever stage we are at in the process we stop and will not follow up again. What we are doing does not replace what Commissioners do to get volunteers involved in Girlguiding – we are simply doing some of the initial administrative work to free up your time to concentrate on the meetings with the volunteers for suitability, recruitment checks and welcome meetings etc. We do need your help though by ensuring that you add notes to the registration once you have made any contact with the volunteer following us sending you a form, you do need to record this on the notes otherwise it is shown as incomplete on our records. The process for the Previously Contacted volunteers is similar except that we do a 2 stage process rather than 3 as they would have already been contacted at least once.
WHAT’S NEXT? If anyone would like further information about the process then please email or call me on 01722 343182 Although the focus is on new volunteer enquiries, if you have any at other statuses that you are struggling with and would like help, please let me know – this could be: Struggling to get hold of a prospective volunteer DBS check has been done but result not showing on GO Prospective volunteer is under 18 and unsure how to move her to the unit as an Active member Referral to a different District/Division/County How to change the referees Registrations inherited from a previous Commissioner FOCUSING ON NEW ENQUIRIES AND CONTACTED WHEN WE GET THE OPPORTUNITY BUT CAN HELP WITH OTHERS FEEDBACK FROM A COMMISSIONER I also just wanted to say how much I appreciate all your hard work making the first contact with new volunteers - since you've taken on that aspect of managing new enquiries, it's saved me so much time and made my life so much easier (best decision ever!). I now actually feel excited when I get a new enquiry through, rather than feeling stressed at the prospect of struggling to get in touch with them and find out all the info backwards and forwards across email for days on end! We are focusing on the new enquiries but if you do need help in following up some of the older registrations – perhaps you have inherited a backlog of volunteer registrations, please let us know as we can help. Please feel free to pass on my details to any Commissioners in your District/Division that are not here today or are in different sessions. Just end on a lovely bit of feedback I received last month from a local commissioner – she said
Any Questions?
County level baselines
What is it? Where did it come from? A snapshot of a county down to district level Member numbers, enquiries, age, local demographics Excel format Where did it come from? Space to Grow Together project, for community co-ordinators Now we are considering if it is useful for counties outside of the project
How is it different from other reports? In Excel, not PowerBI District level Demographic data against Girlguiding areas – e.g. deprivation, ethnicity
Can we have it? Currently prototyping for StGT project, Could be rolled out further if we hear it would be useful Speak to me afterwards if you think it could be useful
Maps Created as part of StGT project Shows units at county and division level Here at county level
Maps Division level Shows number of girls in each unit
Maps – considerations At prototype stage Can be rolled out alongside Excel data baselines Interactive? Would this be useful to you?
Would other data tools be helpful too? Which data tools presented could be useful for your work with Girlguiding? Would other data tools be helpful too?
Thank you!