Baseline Household Survey (CAPI) High-frequency Data Collection (CATI) Scope of work Baseline Household Survey (CAPI) 4,000 Households survey 200 Mahallas survey Whole country area is covered High-frequency Data Collection (CATI) 1,500 household survey each month during 1 year 18,000 surveys in total in 1 year Whole country area is covered
Questionnaire Development Initial Review of Draft Questionnaires Review of Questionnaires by NBT Team General discussions between WB, UNICEF and NBT Team Review by Local Experts Translated version of Questionnaires were sent to Group of Local Experts through Development Strategy Center Received comments helped to improve the questionnaires and adopt it to local conditions Field pilot testing Questionnaires were tested in Tashkent City, Tashkent and Ferghana Provinces. Field tests were conducted by WB, UNICEF and NBT Team Consultants Finalization of Questionnaires () Questionnaires were also updated during group review at the training for supervisors () The survey was launched for 2 days at the beginning, then continued after fixing found errors.
Survey Tools Survey Questionnaires Manual for Interviewers - Tablets with installed questionnaires (Household and Mahalla), available in Uzbek, Russian and English languages. - 4G/3G connection to Internet Manual for Interviewers - Detailed manual for field supervisors and interviewers in Uzbek. Manual covers all aspects of the survey: Ethics, Building rapport with respondents, working with Tablet, detailed review of questionnaires. Other Documents - List of the selected Mahallas. - Sampling guide list separate for each PSU. - Copy of the Official support letter from Regional Hokimiat. - Instruction on measure and units (food, fuel and etc.)
Field survey ODK server NBT office Baseline survey conducted using computer survey platforms, on-site survey system (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews). Interviewers used tablet screen to read the questions to pose and inputs the responses. All collected data sent to the cloud that allows real-time analysis and monitoring. Field survey ODK server NBT office Complete collected data is easily exported in excel or csv format, which later can be uploaded to SPSS or Stata for extended flexibility, data cleaning and analysis.
ODK Collect An open source Android app that replaces paper forms used in survey-based data gathering; Supports location, audio, images, video, barcodes, signatures, multiple-choice, free text, and numeric answers; Renders forms into a sequence of input prompts that apply form logic, entry constraints, and repeating sub-structures; Allows avoid accidental or invalid answers, especially in numeric questions (Integer or Decimal response types); Work well without network connectivity.
Support to Interviewers Telephone support Telegram Group Support Field visit support
Field Monitoring Data Monitoring Survey Monitoring 4 field quality control groups were allocated by regions to travel and monitor the process (West, South, Center and East). Field monitoring included unexpected visits, and post-survey visits to have a feedback from respondents about interviewers. Field visit checks, when required by data monitoring results Data Monitoring GPS Locations Duration of each survey Timing between surveys Data quality check
Data cleaning with Stata Original data from ODK server Outlier detection .DO cleaning instructions .DO analysis instructions
Lessons Learnt Better collaboration with Local Authorities Improved Questionnaire Design and Translation Survey duration control