Examples of protein that display profiles corresponding to GO/GROW and STOP signals.A, example of STOP profile: normalized spot volume profile of apoA-I in the retina across the eight indicated groups; error bars represent the standard deviation of the groups. Examples of protein that display profiles corresponding to GO/GROW and STOP signals.A, example of STOP profile: normalized spot volume profile of apoA-I in the retina across the eight indicated groups; error bars represent the standard deviation of the groups. B, example of GO/GROW profile: normalized spot volume profile of Vimentin in the retina across the eight indicated groups; error bars represent the standard deviation of the groups. The y axis depicts normalized intensities. CTL, control. * indicates significant differences as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Eric Bertrand et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2006;5:2158-2166 © 2006 The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology