Stevensville Middle School! Welcome to Stevensville Middle School! Sixth Grade Orientation May 18th & 19th, 2014
In Your Folders… Information about Sixth Grade Parent Orientation Information about STMS PTSA Letter from Mrs. Reed and Course Request Sheet Sixth Grade Information Sheet for Students and Parents Information about STMS Website In Your Folders…
Your Unified Arts classes will change at ½ year Five core classes every day Math Science Social studies (history) Language arts Reading One unified arts class that changes between A Day/B Day One enrichment/extension/intervention class (EEI) Your Unified Arts classes will change at ½ year except band and chorus. Typical 6th Grade Schedule
You have the opportunity to choose your Unified Arts (specials). Option One: Band or Chorus Option Two: No Band or Chorus You will take one of these classes: art, computer applications, foreign language experience (FLEX), or gateway to technology three of these classes: art, computer applications, foreign language experience (FLEX), and/or gateway to technology. All students must take physical education/health. Course Requests
Return your Course Requests to your teacher by Tuesday, May 26th with a parent/guardian signature.