MOAA Olympia Area Chapter Annual Meeting November 21, 2018
Agenda Welcome Chapter 2-Bell Ceremony Annual Update Officer Slating Federal Employees Dental & Vision Plan
Defining our purpose Vision: To be a leading organization in serving our local community (camaraderie with a purpose). Values: “Never stop serving” Service: Develop and maintain engagements with our community.
2019 Chapter Goals Increase chapter membership by 10% (e.g. ~ 16 new members) Increase service and support to the local community Plan an off-site activity for both spouses and families promoting fellowship among members (e.g. dinner theater, family picnic, Officer-call, etc.) Leverage non-profit status to obtain no-cost technology support (e.g. web page, network communications and storage, etc.) Leverage technology (Web, Social Media, etc)
Recruiting WANG Industry Day WANG Alumni Day Community Service Sports Bar Event
Expanding our service to community Day of Caring (United Way) 3d EOD Organizational Day Community outreach project
Expanding our service to community MOAA Community Outreach Grant ($5,000) Housing Food Assistance Employment Health (including Behavioral Health) Family Strength Community Reintegration Financial and Legal Assistance Transportation To qualify for a grant, the MOAA Council/Chapter must either deliver the services directly or must occupy a leadership position (council, board, committee member, etc.) of a local community collaboration delivering these types of services.
Media Strategy Web Facebook Document our history Tell our story Easy to find us Web Document our history Organize our information
Jan-June: 2019 Key Events July – Dec: Off-site “Officer’s Call” Prepare MOAA Grant Proposal (Deadline est 28 Feb 19) Complete non-profit 501(c) (3) documentation/submissions Recruiting Drive July – Dec: Local community service event (Day of Caring, other?) 3d EOD Org Day (25 July 19) Annual planning conference Christmas event
What we need from you Volunteer for leading committees/initiatives Ideas & Inspiration
2019 Officer Slate Proposal Position Incumbent 2018 Proposed 2019 President Howard Lim 1st VP David Slotwinski David L. Slotwinski 2nd VP Jim Richards Treasurer William Mosely Secretary Roselyn Marcus Past President Robert Brigdon Bugle Editor Caroline Nielson BOD 20 Marilyn Willcox *Marilyn Willcox John M. Caroline Nielson (21) Barbara Cagel * Barbara Cagle Bryon Burgess * Bryon Burgess BOD 18 Sam Cagel Sam Cagle (21) Chuck Petersen Chuck Petersen (21) BOD 19 Chaplain Doug White *Chaplain Doug White Jose Vargas (21) BOD19 Captain Carl Knoblish (21)
Olympia Chapter 5-Star Award (2017)