III. Responsibilities of Admin EFF Factor Training Program III. Responsibilities of Admin Part three Dashboard & Reports (for Admin only)
Click on Dashboard Click on Graph It shows month wise data for whole of the organization like: 1) Cost of time spent on a) project b) office c)Idle 2) Billing margin = Billing value - costs as above This is useful in tracking the overall value addition (gross contribution/margin) by all the departments collectively on ongoing basis.
Last Login for the Project by any employee Click on Open Projects Here, Admin will get to see list of all open projects of all the Departments(i.e. RG as well as SC) along with following information Unique Project ID Last Login for the Project by any employee Actual Project completion % Financials Like: CURRENT COST VARAINCE Budgeted cost – Actual cost (+ve saving) PREDICTED COST VARIANCE Cost of Predicted delay (-ve) or Saving (+ve) CURRENT BILL VARAINCE Budgeted Bill value – Bill(able) value (+ve saving) Admin can view the project Details by clicking on the project name. This information is useful for monitoring every aspect of the projects at macro level as well as micro level. PREDICTED BILL VARIANCE Bill(able) value of predicted delay (-ve) or saving (+ve)
Click on Timeliness Here Admin gets the list of all projects of all the departments which are To commence within next 7 Days To be completed within next 14days And also the projects which have missed deadlines Along with the Unique Project ID Expected Date of completion And progress of the project. This information is useful for: Meeting the deadlines. Assigning/Reassigning man power Modifying the deadlines in the light of available man power, customer’s expectations and other constraints 1 1 NOTE: It is recommended to edit the end date of project which have missed deadline wherever practical.
Click on Employees Here, Admin will get to see Employees who did not complete yesterday’s minimum log time (exception report) NOTE:
Click on Percentages Here, Admin will get to see Department wise projects with their budgeted days, actual logged day and % of logged days / budgeted days. This is useful in getting birds eye view of stage of completion of various projects Admin can view the project in detail by just clicking on the project name.
Click on Reports Click on Search logs This screen allows you to search any log (project and non-project)for specific/all employee’s for specific period on web or in excel format. For instance, filling the required details and click on Generate button. Here, Admin will get a breakup of work done by an employee project and non-project wise as also the cost and the billable value. And by scrolling down Admin will also get the logs of the selected or all the users.
Now, click on View allocations This screen allows you to generate report of allocation of tasks under different projects for specific user/all with no. of days allocated For instance, select the user from the dropdown list and click on View button Here, the Admin will get list of all allocations of the selected employees
Click on Monthly log summary This screen allows to generate report of summary of logs in that specific month For instance, enter the Year & select the Month dropdown list and click on Generate report button This will be useful in identifying abnormal office time, Idle time for any employee for further action
Click on Breakdown charts
Click on Export summarized employee data Select the period and click on Generate XLS This will allow the Admin to generate report in excel format for specific period. This report includes a) Department-Project wise breakup b) Summary of Employees c) Date wise summary of employees d) Employee wise progress e) Project wise progress report These reports are self explanatory and useful for pay role as well as for further anlysis.