Can a universal syllabus for parent education prepare women and their partners for parenthood? A core syllabus for professional practice to support pregnancy, birth and early parenthood Michelle Davidson, Parent Education Co-ordinator
The aim is to support health professionals in Scotland to deliver consistent parent education that respects and reflects the individual needs of pregnant women and their partners.
The syllabus Sets out The importance of adult learning approaches and the use of an asset based approach Content, theoretical basis, evidence and target outcomes. Health improvement messages and health inequalities as an important thread throughout. Examples of good practice particularly in partnership working and reaching out to those least likely to attend.
A changing emphasis…… Recognising that attachment relationship is the most important factor in physical and emotional development of the child
A Collaborative Approach Development of a syllabus (NHS Quality Improvement Scotland) Development of resources to support the delivery of the syllabus (NHS Health Scotland) Development of training to increase staff skills and confidence in facilitation of the syllabus (NHS Education for Scotland)