Internet2 International
Internet2 International What? The Internet2 project is bringing focus, energy and resources to the development of a new family of advanced applications to meet emerging academic requirements in research, teaching and learning
Internet2 International Why International? Ensure global interoperability of new technologies and applications Enable collaboration between US researchers/faculty/students and colleagues outside US. using advanced networking capabilities
Internet2 International Goals Establish interconnectivity International networks will come to the U.S. to peer Establish collaborations in technology, applications development activities
Internet2 International Who? International organizations with similar projects goals to Internet2 International organizations serving similar constituencies (institutions of higher education and research)
Internet2 International Which Organizations? Italian Research and Academic Networking Organisation Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Israel InterUniversity Computation Center CANARIE, Inc. Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association Japan Advanced Internet Research Consortium Corporacion Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet Deutsches Forschungsnetz - Verein United Kingdom Education & Research Networking Association NORDUnet Stiching SURF SURFnet Réseau National pour la Technologie, l'Enseignement et la Recherche Singapore Advanced Research Education Network
Internet2 International Where?
Internet2 International How? Form Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with international organizations including such provisions as: providing for interconnection between our respective institutions. collaboration on advanced technology and applications development. promoting the transfer of technology to the wider education community and the commercial marketplace.
Internet2 International International Information Exchange International task force to advise our Board, management on issues of international collaborations Internet2 participates in international groups CCIRN GIBN
Internet2 International For more information: Contact: Heather Boyles 202.331.5342 Visit: The Internet2 International Website (