Get ready to take a Quiz on the Awakening Chpts. ! College Essay Do Now: Get ready to take a Quiz on the Awakening Chpts. !
Quiz Edna names the little house what? How does Leonce cover up for Edna moving out of their big house? Who returns from his trip away? For what emergency does Edna leave Robert?
How much of your College essay did you complete? I thought about it My Outline My Essay
Stations Drafting: Write your essay! Work on the tense activities Typing: Type you essay! Conferencing with Tift & Healy—Sign-up on the board Self editing station: pp.700-711 Reading: The book is done on Friday
Rules to Make Stations Work DO! DON’T!
Status of the Class
Do Now: Sit in Groups of four Get out your essays College Essay Day 4 Do Now: Sit in Groups of four Get out your essays
At Each Table Peer Edit: Editor 1: Structure Editor 2: Content Editor 3: Conventions Reflection: What will you change? Am I being graded for this? Yes. One point for each part complete.
Now for something different: A different type of essay….
Homework: Revise your essay and be prepared to hand it in tomorrow. Tift and Healy will read and make comments, and we will have focus lessons available next Tuesday.