Freshman & Sophomore Planning Guide WFHS School Counselor
F R E S H M A N S O P H M R E 2 2 1 9
Every Credit Counts!!
Freshman & Sophomore Checklist Be aware that there are consequences for failing classes in high school. You must earn enough credits each school year in order to be promoted to the next grade level (5 to move to 10th grade, 10 to move to 11th grade, and 16 to move to 12th grade). Work hard and do your best during the school year so that you will not fall behind. **All of your high school courses and grades appear on your transcript, so all your classes matter! ** Meet with your counselor frequently to discuss your plan of study for upcoming years and possible options for you beyond high school. You will also work directly with your counselor to register for courses each year and discuss career and college interests and options. Get to know your counselor, teachers, and Hall Principal. These adults can be helpful resources to you. In order to earn good grades, you need to be in school every day. You could miss critical activities, notes, and assignments when you are absent. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up the work. Sophomores may take the PSAT when it is offered here at WFHS in October. The fee for this test is $20. You should plan to retake the PSAT as a junior, when you could potentially qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program. This test is good practice for the SAT college entrance exam! Get involved in school athletics, clubs, and other activities. Community service is also very important. Keep track of all activities so that you can maintain an accurate resume for future use.
Things To Know About High School “Surround yourself with positive people. You may inspire each other to accomplish positive goals.” RUMORS!!!! When someone says something about you that is not true, it can be very hurtful. You may get angry or upset. Here are a few helpful tips when dealing with rumors: YOU decide what is true or not true about yourself! How much will the rumor impact your life now and in the future? Evaluate if it is safe to discuss the rumor with the source. If not…. Go talk to a responsible adult (Teacher, Counselor, Principal, etc.) If you hear a rumor about someone else, do not keep the rumor going. Remember that you would not want others spreading rumors about you. It is important to get involved in your school. Join clubs, play sports, join the band or theater. There are many different types of positive activities at WFHS. Take pride in your school! Remember to be cautious when online! Facebook, Snapchat, & other social media outlets can be great ways to network with your friends and meet new people, but you need to be aware that not everyone online has good intentions. Do not give out any personal information (your phone #, address, the school that you attend, etc.) online!! Do not give your login information or passwords to anyone! Making good decisions in high school can be critical to your education and life. For example, suspensions from school must be reported accurately to the colleges to which you apply during your senior year. Be sure to make the right decisions now!