LGBTI My identity, My Right SRHR Campaign Theme. LGBTI My identity, My Right
Key Issues Access to health services Inclusive policy National Health Strategies Stereotyping Attitudes of service providers and society Funding for marginalised groups within Key Populations groups Religious fundamentalists Harmful traditional practices Tokenistic behaviour from CSOs and other platforms The policy has to include all acronyms, while most countries have such clauses, they might look into specifically stating some groups such as non-discrimination on Key Population and marginalised groups. Draconian laws be abolished (through lobbying and inclusion of CSOs) Sensitization of families Whose culture is homosexuality? A western construct or an African tradition? Boy wives and female husbands Are the LGBTI people invited or engaged in spaces to participate meaningfully? Look into the Social approaches identified for identity and inclusion and ensure ultimately the legal approach is encapsulated into every activity for the SRHR of the LGBTIQ.
Key Objectives To respect human dignity To ensure inclusivity in all movements To hold governments accountable to achieve the SDGs by 2030 To ensure religious leaders do not incite hate and violence towards diverse groups To encourage the shift of society’s mind towards difference 1. women
Target Groups Champions (prominent individuals that can influence change) Parents, friends and partners of LGBTI persons Policy makers and duty bearers LGBTIQ persons Religious leaders Traditional leaders Health care workers Journalists Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) Police
Key Messages More than Difference brings evolvement 100% Human being I am Human being before I am my sexual orientation SRHR has no gender We are all equal before the law My body my rights Being LGBTIQ does not make me unAfrican
Key messages I am what I am, then what? Life Goes By Too Quickly (LGBTI) Love who you are Leaving no one behind Nothing for us without us Aliens don’t exist but I do My identity, My Right LGBTIQ Lives Matters Not here for your pleasure
Tools – Media Part 1 1. Mainstream Media Radio TV adverts TV soapies / drama Print media/Publications books/ poems Newsletters Newspapers Research papers
Tools – Media Part 2 2. Social Media YouTube Facebook / Messenger Twitter Instagram SnapChat WhatsApp Telegraph Grindr 1. Monitoring analytics and
Tools – Community Media part 3 Print Newsletters Posters Banners T-shirts Engagement Dialogues Sensitisation
Resolutions to realize SRHR for the LGBTIQ Community LANGUAGE/KEY WORDS: The policy has to include all acronyms, while most countries have such clauses, they might look into specifically stating some groups such as non-discrimination on Key Population and marginalised groups. LEGISLATION: Draconian laws be abolished (through lobbying and inclusion of CSOs) Identify key colonial laws and policies that are non discriminatory and work towards abolishing them. SENSITIZATION: Sensitization of families, parents, friends and allies, CSOS Challenging hateful teachings through culture, bringing the evidence APPROACH: Are the LGBTI people invited or engaged in spaces to participate meaningfully?