Implementation Projects Request for Application Process A Brief Overview
Request for Application Process Eligibility CW agencies in Regions V & VII Tribal consortia within those Regions Currently receiving Title IV-B funds State child welfare agencies within ACF Regions V and VII, and Tribes or Tribal consortia within those Regions that are currently receiving Title IV-B grant funds administered by the CB, are eligible for MCWIC implementation projects. If a consortium applies for an implementation project, CB will not require that every member of that consortium participate in the proposed project activities as a condition of eligibility. Federally recognized Tribes that are not receiving Title IV-B grant funds are not eligible for implementation projects.
Request for Application Process Application Process Steps: 1) Two-Page Concept Paper 2) Internal Screening Assessment 3) Teleconference Regarding Concept Paper 4) Written Feedback 5) Formal Application 6) Review of Formal Applications 7) Award of Implementation Projects The purpose of implementation projects is to facilitate sustainable systems change and build the capacities of child welfare systems for improved performance and positive change. Implementation projects are intended to be substantial and capable of supporting implementation activities that will drive sustainable positive change in organizational culture and child welfare practice. Implementation projects will be individualized, strengths-based, and highly responsive to the needs of our State and Tribal partners. Project applications will be evaluated to support this purpose: Applications should demonstrate how projects will effect sustainable, substantial and positive systems change in organizational culture and child welfare practice.
Request for Application Process PURPOSE OF PROJECTS sustainable systems change build capacity of CW system improve performance positive change
Request for Application Process Important dimensions of projects significance of issues need for MCWIC resources systemic focus likelihood of improved outcomes The proposed project: focuses on implementation (may also address development, assessment, strategic planning to some degree); is likely to build capacity; is substantial and capable of driving systemic change; doesn't duplicate or supplant existing funds/services/resources; identifies and pursues specific and measurable objectives; is of sufficient duration and scope to achieve the proposed change; is integrated and consistent with existing change efforts and plans (CFSP, PIPs, etc.) is well-coordinated and appropriately involves other members of the T/TA Network (the NRCs in particular); will not overburden the NRCs, based on the T/TA Network's capacity; is feasible and reasonable for the conditions and circumstances of the State or Tribe; is likely to achieve the desired change and to sustain it beyond the implementation project period; addresses implementation and change efforts that cannot otherwise be met by the the NRCs and existing T/TA Network services.
Request for Application Process Important dimensions of projects builds capacity consistency with other efforts commitment of stakeholders Includes internal & external partners and stakeholders Not just commitment buy active involvement & collaboration The proposed project: focuses on implementation (may also address development, assessment, strategic planning to some degree); is likely to build capacity; is substantial and capable of driving systemic change; doesn't duplicate or supplant existing funds/services/resources; identifies and pursues specific and measurable objectives; is of sufficient duration and scope to achieve the proposed change; is integrated and consistent with existing change efforts and plans (CFSP, PIPs, etc.) is well-coordinated and appropriately involves other members of the T/TA Network (the NRCs in particular); will not overburden the NRCs, based on the T/TA Network's capacity; is feasible and reasonable for the conditions and circumstances of the State or Tribe; is likely to achieve the desired change and to sustain it beyond the implementation project period; addresses implementation and change efforts that cannot otherwise be met by the the NRCs and existing T/TA Network services.
Request for Application Process Important dimensions of projects plan for sustainability feasibility of outcome evaluation The proposed project: focuses on implementation (may also address development, assessment, strategic planning to some degree); is likely to build capacity; is substantial and capable of driving systemic change; doesn't duplicate or supplant existing funds/services/resources; identifies and pursues specific and measurable objectives; is of sufficient duration and scope to achieve the proposed change; is integrated and consistent with existing change efforts and plans (CFSP, PIPs, etc.) is well-coordinated and appropriately involves other members of the T/TA Network (the NRCs in particular); will not overburden the NRCs, based on the T/TA Network's capacity; is feasible and reasonable for the conditions and circumstances of the State or Tribe; is likely to achieve the desired change and to sustain it beyond the implementation project period; addresses implementation and change efforts that cannot otherwise be met by the the NRCs and existing T/TA Network services.
Request for Application Process
Application Review Process Request for Application Process Application Review Process review panel with representatives of MCWIC MCWIC’s Advisory Board T/TA Network Children’s Bureau All full applications will be reviewed by a review panel consisting of representatives of MCWIC, MCWIC’s Advisory Board, members of the T/TA Network, and the Children’s Bureau. MCWIC will participate in rating and discussing the applications but will not vote on the final application decision recommendation. This review will be based on the elements listed above, using the specific evaluation criteria set forth below. The Children’s Bureau makes the final approval regarding Implementation Project selection.
Application Review Process Request for Application Process Application Review Process MCWIC makes recommendation will not vote on final recommendation review by Advisory Board per RFA Children’s Bureau makes final selection All full applications will be reviewed by a review panel consisting of representatives of MCWIC, MCWIC’s Advisory Board, members of the T/TA Network, and the Children’s Bureau. MCWIC will participate in rating and discussing the applications but will not vote on the final application decision recommendation. This review will be based on the elements listed above, using the specific evaluation criteria set forth below. The Children’s Bureau makes the final approval regarding Implementation Project selection.
Applications not selected Request for Application Process Applications not selected may re-apply in a subsequent round MCWIC assistance in drafting CB & T/TA Network assistance Applicants not selected for implementation projects in a particular round of awards may re-apply in a subsequent round, and may receive guidance from MCWIC in the development of a subsequent application. Applicants not selected for implementation projects may also seek technical assistance from the Children’s Bureau and the T/TA Network.
Request for Application Process Questions? have a lot of resources in the room that aren’t often in one place!