There was a shot… …and it was heard ‘round the world April, 1775 There was a shot… …and it was heard ‘round the world
Let’s talk about feelings! …but in a little bit. First, let’s focus on the Declaration of Independence!!!
of the Second Continental So, the first Continental Congress listed every problem the colonists had with their relationship with England 1774 What was the purpose of the Second Continental Congress????
The Second Continental Congress met a few weeks after the Battle of Lexington and Concord (April, 1775)
If you are the underdog, how do you prepare for war. What do you need If you are the underdog, how do you prepare for war?? What do you need??? Who is involved???? W
Common Sense Thomas Paine January, 1776
But, what if I don’t agree with you?
Thanks, TJ!!!!
Some quick facts!!! The British surrendered at Yorktown in October of 1781. Continental Army (kinda week) How did they get more soldiers? Slaves…in exchange for freedom. Franco-American alliance negotiated by Benjamin Franklin in 1778 How did the colonists win??? ENDURANCE..aka attrition. Treaty of Paris – 1782.
Recognizing the 13 colonies to be free, sovereign and independent States, and that his Majesty relinquishes all claims to the Government, propriety, and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof;[1] Establishing the boundaries between the United States and British North America (for an account of two strange anomalies resulting from this part of the Treaty, based on inaccuracies in the Mitchell Map, see Northwest Angle and the Republic of Indian Stream); Granting fishing rights to United States fishermen in the Grand Banks, off the coast of Newfoundland and in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence; Recognizing the lawful contracted debts to be paid to creditors on either side; The Congress of the Confederation will "earnestly recommend" to state legislatures to recognize the rightful owners of all confiscated lands "provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects [Loyalists]"; United States will prevent future confiscations of the property of Loyalists; Prisoners of war on both sides are to be released and all property left by the British army in the United States unmolested (including slaves); Great Britain and the United States were each to be given perpetual access to the Mississippi River; Territories captured by Americans subsequent to treaty will be returned without compensation; Ratification of the treaty was to occur within six months from the signing by the contracting parties.
TOO MUCH CONTROL And POWER BOOOOOO…so not fair! So let’s think about this…what was the main problem with British influence in the colonies…????? TOO MUCH CONTROL And POWER BOOOOOO…so not fair!
So ok, we’ve broken up. We need to move on…and create our own government. IT IS EXTREMELY NECESSARY!!!!!
1777 – Articles of Confederation
The articles were like a framework for government…
Oh, don’t forget, the war was still going on…the government had to pay Did this lack of a strong central power work?? Ummmmmm…….NO! And here’s why it didn’t… Oh, don’t forget, the war was still going on…the government had to pay for it somehow…
No taxes = No mONEY BUT So what, let’s just print More… DUMB!!! FIRST PROBLEM!!! No taxes = No mONEY BUT So what, let’s just print More… DUMB!!!
Are TARIFFS really necessary???
But it only counts for one 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 13
QUIZ!!! WHO SAID THIS???? My policy has been, and will continue to be, while I have the honor to remain in the administration of the government, to be upon friendly terms with, but independent of, all the nations of the earth. To share in the broils of none. To fulfill our own engagements. To supply the wants, and be carriers for them all: Being thoroughly convinced that it is our policy and interest to do so.