Advocate – urge; plead for Tommy’s good conscience advocated that he not steal the new X-Men movie.
autonomous Self-governing The autonomous drivers decided that they didn’t need roads, because they had the ability to drive where ever they wanted.
Forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented The austere woman believed that children should be seen and not heard. Austere Forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented 2. The austere room had only a single couch and table.
benevolent Generous; charitable
bolster Support; reinforce Try as he might, the boss just couldn’t bolster morale. The creepy clown did nothing to make the employees excited about working. 2. Meg bought a billow to bolster her back while she sat on the couch.
Remember last time…
Readiness to yield, conformity in fulfilling requirements Compliance Geraldine thought the first day of Kindergarten was okay; however, she was concerned by the number of rules for which she would be held compliant. Readiness to yield, conformity in fulfilling requirements
Composure Mental calmness Audrey Hepburn was known for keeping her composure in even the most dramatic of times.
comprehensive Thorough; inclusive After reviewing the class syllabus, Ned Stark was terrified to learn that there would be a comprehensive exam at the end of his Calculus semester, which would include all of the math he had ever learned.
Concede Admit; yield Jeff refused to concede that his golf ball would not be recovered.
Reconciling; soothing Conciliatory Reconciling; soothing Once Derrick and Quinn shared a conciliatory handshake, they put their disagreements aside and began working on their project.
concise Brief and compact The concise anatomy chart made it easier to understand the important parts of a corgi. concise Brief and compact 2. The Venn Diagram presented a concise recipe on how to make various foods.
Concur agree
Condone Accept or allow in order to continue Approve or sanction with reluctance. During the interview, the boss condoned Rebecca’s shoes and tried to listen to focus on her answers. 2. Ms. Geiss does not condone the dying of dog’s hair any color, especially pink.
Confound Confuse; puzzle Trying to catch the toy was a completely confounding task for the puppy.
The conflagration was a little terrifying. Great fire The conflagration was a little terrifying.
Consensus General agreement There was a consensus that Herald was just not that funny. General agreement
Compulsion; repression of feelings Constraint Compulsion; repression of feelings Due to the strict rules of the writing assignment, Lily felt constraints in the expression her true beliefs.
Struggle; compete; assert earnestly Contend Struggle; compete; assert earnestly Howard did not know how to contend with this troublesome problem.
Causing or likely to cause argument; quarrelsome Contentious Causing or likely to cause argument; quarrelsome The contentious Grumpy Cat liked to say negative statements just to upset others.
Contract Compress or shrink; make a pledge; catch a disease
Conviction Judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief Mr. Ring Tail held the conviction that cupcakes were the best food.
Gracious; courteous; heartfelt Cordial Gracious; courteous; heartfelt The cordial corgi always brought a cup of hot tea to his guests.
Corroborate Confirm; support The evidence corroborated that the dog was in fact very guilty of the mess.
Belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naiveté Credulity Belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naiveté Some of Gerry’s suggestions seem possible; however, others are completely credulous.
Standard used in judging Criterion Standard used in judging The device provided a consistent criterion for measuring pasta amounts.
Appeal to false Authority Devices… Ad Hominem Ad Populum Allegory Alliteration Allusion Analogy Anaphora Anecdote Annotation Ansyndeton Antimetabole Antithesis Apostrophe Appeal to false Authority
Archaic Language old-fashioned or outdated language ex. "Thou hast delivered mine enemy into my hands."
Argument a process of reasoned inquiry; a persuasive discourse moving from a claim to a conclusion.
Assertion an emphatic statement; declaration. An assertion supported by evidence becomes an argument
Assonance Assonance takes place when two or more words close to one another repeat the same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds.
Audience one's listener or readership; those to whom a speech or piece of writing is addressed; most texts have multiple audiences -- both direct and indirect