PMI-LIC BOD Member of the Year 2014
Purpose The purpose of the award is to publicly recognize and thank an appointed PMI Long Island Chapter Board Member volunteer for outstanding service and dedication during the past 12 months. Owner: The President
The Award This award will consist of two parts. First, the winner will receive a plaque with his/her name and a check for $500, to be presented by the Chapter President at the June General Chapter Meeting. Second, the winner will receive the honor of representing the Long Island Chapter at the annual Region IV Leadership Conference during the annual North American Global Congress (LIM). The Long Island Chapter will pay all expenses.
Process The process associated with this award is broken into two parts. First, the selection criteria. Second, the award timeline.
Selection Criteria Only non-elected board members are eligible for this award. The winner must be a Board Member who has served on the Board a minimum of two years prior to nomination. The winner cannot win this award two consecutive years.
Award Timeline Initiate at the March Board of Directors Meeting. Elected Officers to come to a consensus by the April Board of Directors Meeting. Vice President of Administration will order the plaque in April. Vice President of Finance will prepare an award check for $500 in June. President to award the winner at the June General Membership Meeting.
Past BOD Members of the Year 2006 - Geri Neber 2007 - Jeffrey Stern 2008 - Barbara Falci 2009 - Stephanie Leslie 2010 - Gerri Stepanek 2011 - Julie Breslow 2012 - Tom Caprariello 2013 - Ed Gillispie
2014 Nominees Patrick Pierre-Louis, PMP, CSM Nominated by Barbara Director of Member Orientation Nominated by Barbara While overly vocal, he quietly and singlehandedly created and continues , month after month to deliver the Membership Orientation
2014 Nominees Josh Einbinder, PMP Director of PMP Prep Courseware and Licensing Nominated by Ella, Seconded by Gerri. Josh Led the efforts to upgrade the PMBOK5 courseware for our PMP Prep Classes He obtained and engaged a team of about 20 volunteers throughout this project.
Voting Time Voting BOD Members