College Community Schools Transportation Department Current System
Facts and Figures Number of enrolled students 4,600
Facts and Figures Number of students considered for routing 4600 100% of our students are eligible to ride a bus. No one is required to walk
Facts and Figures Number of students actually riding buses 2300
Facts and Figures Number of routes 50
Facts and Figures Number of routes that are “double routes” 30
Facts and Figures Number of students impacted by “double routes” 2062 1350 actually ride
“Double Routing” What is it? Double routing has been a part of College Community Schools for well over 15 years. “Double Routing” is when you send a bus out into the district to pick up a load of students, bring those students to school and return to the district to pick up another load of students to bring to school The same is repeated in the PM
Double Routing Pro’s More economical than a “single route” system would be for our district Uses driver’s hours better Saves on number of drivers Uses far less equipment Equipment fits our campus routine Decreases traffic congestion on campus Fits into some parents schedules better
Double Routing Con’s Staffing for extra time students are supervised Confusing system for the students and the parents Does not fit into some parents schedules Makes for long days for the students Difficult to establish timing for routes Breakdowns cause issues for 2 routes instead of 1
Double Routing Con’s Shorter hours equates to less drivers willing to drive Makes dealing with “inclement/dangerous weather difficult
When visiting the loading/unloading areas When to go What to look for