Spring 2019 Super Sector Event: Connect for Success
The Talent Link Partnership The former Quad City Career Connections and The Moline Foundation’s Career Cruising Network have entered into a partnership called The Talent Link. The partnership is designed to better meet the business/education partnership needs in Clinton, Jackson, Muscatine, Scott, and Rock Island Counties by: Expanding staff, Eliminating confusion for business partners and schools resulting from two entities focused on similar efforts, Benefitting from partnership with sector boards, chambers, and workforce offices, and Working collaboratively to support school district efforts, while developing and expanding large scale events.
The Talent Link: Mission and Vision Talent Link works to: empower middle and high school youth, young adults, and job seekers by helping them better understand themselves, and the world of work, provide opportunities to explore career options, and engage youth and adults with local business and industry to provide real-world and hands-on experience that inspire academic and career success. Vision Every individual in our workforce region will have high quality career experiences so they become motivated to pursue and achieve academic and career success.
The Talent Link: Staff Paula Arends, EICC Workforce Innovation Director Christine Caves, EICC Workforce Innovation Coordinator Dustin DeWeerdt, EICC/Vocational Rehabilitation Intermediary Kathy Pezley, EICC Intermediary Susan Zelnio, The Moline Foundation Program Director, Workforce Development
Talent Link Direction Support schools in expanding high quality career development and work- based learning activities Provide resources for schools and business/industry partners to ensure quality interactions based on student learning and outcomes Update and build and Career Cruising Network Work with sector boards, colleges, and workforce agencies to develop large-scale career events in high demand industries Support collaboration among area schools that will result in high quality career development and work-based learning throughout our region
Support Schools in Expanding Career Development Activities Establish annual goals for career development events and activities Provide training and support for business/industry Facilitate connections with business and industry Support large events/activities at schools and in the community Share best practices Provide information and training on the Iowa Statewide Clearinghouse
Provide Resources for School Staff Launch new web presence with resources in May 2019 Work with Career Development teams to expand high quality activities and events Train school staff to analyze and apply assessment results in order to develop career plans and activities Provide training in use of Career Cruising system Provide support and training for other career tools selected by area schools
Update and build the Career Cruising Network and Iowa Statewide Clearinghouse Hired intern to update system, and incorporate new opportunities, including all opportunities from the former QC Career Connections Provide information from systems on behalf of schools in the region that do not have access Continue to grow connections in Career Cruising and the Statewide Clearinghouse through a business/industry outreach Work with schools to ensure that the systems in place are meeting our local needs
Large-Scale Career Events FY19 Events: Fall 2018 Manufacturing Expo February 2019 Health Career Expo Clinton, Muscatine, and Scott County Manufacturing Tours Muscatine County school-wide job shadow project Teen Job Fairs in Scott and Muscatine Counties Continue to expand large-scale events in alignment with local workforce needs through engagement with sector boards.
Promote a system of collaboration As intermediary services develop in our schools and colleges, and the need for additional opportunities grows, it is imperative that we work together to streamline interactions with business and industry. To accomplish this, we must: Develop a common system to connect business and education partners, Ask that ALL business/industry partners play an active role in meeting future workforce needs, and Provide the best support possible to ensure that time and resources spent are high quality interactions and outcomes impact our local workforce.
Go to CareerCruisingNetwork.org and join us! Make a Company Profile Become an Online Career Coach Offer Work-based Learning Activities Classroom Speaker Job Shadowing Class Project Internship Teacher Externship Plus more Go to CareerCruisingNetwork.org and join us!