Veterinarian By Aubrey Segraves
Types of vets and salaries Zoological Medicine Veterinary Practiconers Surgery Behavior Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Salaries…. $97,000 to $131,500 per year ( Zoological Medicine ) $100,560 to $ 201,840 on average ( Vet Practiconers ) $ 95,382 on average ( Surgery ) $ 40,000 to $ 60,000 ( Behavior ) $ 88,770 on average ( Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation )
Schools Texas A + M A. B. V. P Cornell Medaille
Education requirements You will need a…. 1. DVM – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 2. N. A. V. L. E – North American Veterinary Licensing 3. VDM – Veterinarian Medicinae Dotoris (only is in University of Pennsylvania) 4. Internship and examination
Qualities of vets Patience Respect Integrity Learnability Resilience Some qualities are…. Patience Respect Integrity Learnability Resilience Self-Awareness Qualities of vets
Debbye Turner Debbye turner is a veterinarian, a journalist, and many other things. Debbye once was featured in the Animal Planet show Dogs 101. She has worked as far as Rome, Italy and Johannesburg, South Africa working with animals that she has always loved.
reaction My reaction to my research is just proving to me even more that I want to be a vet. I love working with animals and love to help them have a good enjoyable life with their owners.
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