Georgia – Council of Europe Democracy and Civil society June 9th 2005 Basic Principles of Multicultural States Conference Georgia – Council of Europe Democracy and Civil society June 9th 2005 Thomas Fleiner
Principles to bring or hold A Multicultural Society together Fourteen Major Institutional Principles to bring or hold A Multicultural Society together
The major Issue: To hold or to bring multicultural societies together we have to ask: How should they be governed? Who should govern whom? And even more explosiv: Who should decide, who should govern?
Multicul- turality Challenges of the Na- tion-State The Actors Nation- The issues: Multicul- turality Challenges of the Na- tion-State The Actors Nation- state Diversi- tiy con- flicts Glocali- sation Fragmen- tation
Why is multiculturalism a problem? Do federalism and decentralization help to bring or to hold multicultural societies together?
Is a fragmented civil society as nation builder of a multicultural state conceivable and realistic? Based on what concepts does the international community intervene and/or manage conflicts of multicutlural societies?
State of Modernity: all individuals are equal as being Nation-State facing Multiculturality Egocentric Hobbes What Universal values, but they do not take culture as legtimacy fundament for politcal identity serious Bearers of unalienable rights Locke What is the main problem? Rational Citoyens Rousseau Exploiters or exploited Marx for all? is good Capable of rea- son and judge- ment Kant Cost-benefit driven Homo oeconomicus
Legitimacy Rule of Law Shared Rule Self-Rule Democracy
1. Take cultural diversity seriously Legitimacy 1. Take cultural diversity seriously 2. Fatherland for minorities 3. Composed Nation 4. Multiple loaylty
5. The Right to be unequal, or: equal rights Rule of Law 5. The Right to be unequal, or: equal rights versus the right to be equal 6. Four Dimension of Freedom: From, By, Within, To the State 7. Liberty and Peace
8. Participation of ethnic Groups In Constitution making Shared Rule 8. Participation of ethnic Groups In Constitution making 9. Power sharing of cultural communities
11. Enhancing diversity to overcome ethnification Self Rule 10. Autonomy 11. Enhancing diversity to overcome ethnification of politics
12. Self-determination of individuals as aim of democracy 13. Value of compromise as alternative to the winner takes all democracy 14. Conflict management