Radical, Fundamental Statements


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Presentation transcript:

Radical, Fundamental Statements “In the beginning God” “Before Abraham was born, I am” “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up” ii. The simple statement, “in everything do to others as you would have them do to you…” may be one of the most radical and yet fundamental statements in the entire Bible regarding the relationships we have with others 1. The way this passage refers to self-love as the standard for the love of others goes against what essentially every culture has concluded both before and since

Radical, Fundamental Statements “in everything do to others as you would have them do to you…” ii. The simple statement, “in everything do to others as you would have them do to you…” may be one of the most radical and yet fundamental statements in the entire Bible regarding the relationships we have with others 1. The way this passage refers to self-love as the standard for the love of others goes against what essentially every culture has concluded both before and since

Radical, Fundamental Statements “what is hateful to you, do not do to anyone else…” (Hillel, first century Rabbi) ii. The simple statement, “in everything do to others as you would have them do to you…” may be one of the most radical and yet fundamental statements in the entire Bible regarding the relationships we have with others 1. The way this passage refers to self-love as the standard for the love of others goes against what essentially every culture has concluded both before and since

Characteristics of the Commandment It is based on the “greatest commandment” – Matt. 22:37-40 It is the basis of many other New Testament commands – Rom 13:8- 10; Gal 5:13-15 It is reasonable and clear iii. The more common approach for those that seek a lack of hostility is “what is hateful to you, do not do to anyone else…” (Hillel, first century Rabbi) 1. The chasm between these two perspectives is tremendous 2. On the one hand we see a reactive approach that does little to promote unity 3. On the other we see a proactive approach that prepares the ground for absolute harmony

A Significant Commandment Not a Great Suggestion The text describes: The sin involved in hypercritical judgement The need for absolute faith in God The dangers of the broad and easy path The danger of false prophets and the absolute need for obedience i. The “golden rule” is found in a text that describes the sin involved in hypercritical judgement, the need for absolute faith in God, the dangers of the broad and easy path, the danger of false prophets and the absolute need for obedience ii. The chapter is certainly not about advice for better living or even outlining liberties that we may choose; each section contains commandments which the child of God cannot ignore iii. In light of this, we need to carefully consider the golden rule, its implications in our lives, and ways that we may inadvertently abuse this important principle

“What others?” An unloving approach We need to consider others We must show godly concern C. Minding our Own Business i. We have to be aware of the difference in godly concern and sinful meddling ii. We can identify the difference by an honest appraisal of our motives and attitudes 1. Do we use other’s “faults” to mask our own? Ex. At least I’m not doing what bro/sis is doing… 2. Are we looking for ways to encourage others or condemn? 3. Would we find our approach off-putting and offensive, or would we be able to recognize the love intended? iii. There is a clear call to “consider one another” in scripture – Heb 10:24

“Do unto others before they do unto you” Cynical at best and malicious at worst While we should not be foolish, we should look for the good in all people Evil men wax worse and worse A. Cynical at Best and Malicious at Worst i. One who thinks like this, views everyone with the eye of evil suspicion, 1 Tim. 6:4. ii. Believers are to love their fellow man, Rom. 13:8, and in doing so they always think good and expect good from him, 1 Cor. 13:7. iii. This is the kind of attitude that characterized the reprobate mind of the Gentile, Rom. 1:29. B. While we should not be foolish, we should look for the good in all people 1. There is a measure of truth in the idea that people will do better if better is expected of them. 2. “Love hopes all things” C. Evil men wax worse and worse i. While we know men tend toward evil and the times, we live in lend themselves to corruption, we cannot give into this sort of negative thinking ii. Paul encouraged Timothy to continue preaching the Gospel despite this unavoidable downward spiral – 2 Tim 3:13-14

“Do Unto others as they do unto you” Promoting endless retaliation Failing to understand who has truly been wronged We must forgive rather than avenge A. Promoting Endless Retaliation i. Preventing ever escalating retaliation was one of the points Jesus addressed directly in the Sermon on the Mount – Matt 5:38-42 1. This was the Pharisee's perversion of the Law concerning the Jew avenging the blood of a near kinsman, (Deut. 19:1-13; Num. 35:9-34). 2. Personal revenge has always been regarded as wrong, Lev. 19:18; Prov. 20:22; Prov. 24:29. 3. Jesus summed up the Law in its proper context – Ex 21:23-25 ii. Instead of endless eye taking, Jesus taught that we are to turn the other cheek, in other words we are to take the initiative to make peace – Matt 5:44-48 B. Failing to Understand Who has Truly Been Wronged i. God’s commandments against vengeance are not intended to allow the guilty to go unpunished, they are to ensure a just reckoning – Rom 12:19-21 ii. As we read Romans 12, we need to see the cross in the background 1. The chapter follows 9-11 where the choice of the Messiah and the result of His sacrifice are in view iii. In light of what Jesus was willing to do that we might avoid the wrath of God, how willing should we be to forgive rather than avenge?

“Do unto some others as you would have them do unto you” God hates partiality The “golden rule” was not intended to be easy We cannot hold faith in Christ while being respectors of persons A. God hates Partiality i. God does not view one person as better than another – Rom. 2:11 ii. The fact that He made the way of salvation available to all men is the greatest demonstration of impartiality imaginable B. No one Said the Rule would be Easy i. It is not difficult to love some people and treat them kindly. However, there are others whom the Lord expects us to love which may at first seem difficult. 1. Jesus dealt with this in the parable of the "Good Samaritan," Lk. 10:25. C. We cannot hold the faith of Christ with respect of persons, James 2:1-13; Rom. 15:7-13. i. One thing that troubles the church is money. ii. The other thing is race or parentage. iii. These things ought not to be so