58. PARALLELISM Definition – Repetition of words or phrases or sentences that have the same GRAMMATICAL structure Example – “I came, I saw, I conquered.” – Julius Caesar Memorization Tip – parallel lines
59. PERSONA Definition – mask or voice assumed by a writer Example – “Mother to Son” – Langston Hughes assume the role of a mother Memorization Tip –The author takes on another PERSON’s view point
60. PERSONIFICATION Definition: A kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. Example: The wind whispers. Memorization Tip: PERSON = HUMAN
Language Activity #19 PREFIX: a— MEANING: not, without EXAMPLE: amoral = without morals Come up w/ 2 words using the prefix: 1.______________2._____________ Asexual achronological atoxic