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Why? It’s important that research is shaped by people living with a condition every day – whether that’s because they have it themselves, or because they look after or treat people with it, their views are invaluable. For asthma, people wanted to know if breathing exercises were an effective therapy. There is now a large NIHR-funded study underway to answer this questions, thanks to this Priority Setting Partnership.
Launch date Monday 16th May until Monday the 18th of August Why do you need to know? Influence future research priorities Big and exciting – IMPACT We might need your help… We want you to help us spread the word Launch date Monday 16th May until Monday the 18th of August
What to write…. What annoys you about your Type 2 diabetes? What do you wish was different Tell us your story
What about Type 1 diabetes? Published in 2011 Priorities included: artificial pancreas improving hypoglycaemia awareness We may review in the future
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