Continent – any of seven large land masses on the Earth’s surface Europe Africa North America Asia Australia South America Antarctica
Ocean – any of the large bodies of salt water on the Earth’s surface. Arctic Atlantic Indian Pacific
1.Island – land area that is surrounded by water Long Island 2.Archipelago – chain of islands Hawaiian Islands
3.Cape – Narrow point of land that extends into a body of water Cape Cod, MA 4.Peninsula – piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides Florida
5.Hill – area of raised land that is lower and more rounded than a mountain Hills Acadia National Park Maine Mountain – high, steep, rugged land that rises sharply above the surrounding land. Mount McKinley, Alaska
6.Canyon – a deep, narrow valley with steep sides Valley – an area of lowland between hills or mountains
Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation 7. Plain – broad area of fairly level land that is generally close to sea level Plains Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation Wyoming Plateau – a high flat landform that rises steeply above the surrounding land (mesa, butte)
8. Desert – area that has little or no moisture or vegetation Sahara Desert, Africa 9. Coast – land that borders the sea Jones Beach
10. Isthmus – narrow strip of land joining two large land areas or joining a peninsula to a mainland. Isthmus of Panama 11. Strait – narrow channel that connects two larger bodies of water Strait of Gibraltar Strait of Magellan
tributary map of Lake Erie 12. Tributary – stream or small river that flows into a larger stream or river tributary map of Lake Erie River – large stream of water that empties into an ocean or lake or another river Hudson and Mohawk Rivers
13. Bay – part of a body of water that is partly enclosed by land Jamaica Bay Gulf – arm of an ocean or sea that is partly enclosed by land, usually larger than a bay. Gulf of Mexico
14. Lake – body of fresh water surrounded by land Great Lakes Sea – large body of salt water that is smaller than an ocean Black Sea
On which continent would you find…? 7. Mount Kilimanjaro 9. Cape Horn 11. Hindu Kush 13. Mount McKinley 15. Nile River 17. Mount Aconcagua 19. Mount Elbrus 8. Great Sandy Desert 10. Volga River 12. Namib Desert 14. Alps 16. Gobi Desert 18. Himalayas 20. Indus River Africa Australia S. America Europe Asia Africa N. America Europe Africa Asia South America Asia Europe Asia