Instruction for using Power points Always start with saving a copy on your PC of this presentation. Thereby you always have a pattern for a new presentation - as you want it. If you found the presentation in Dropbox or OneDrive start by downloading it. This presentation is made in a wide page size 16: 9 Dias no. 2 is intended as start slide in which you tell what the presentation contains. Dias no. 3 is the design that comes every time you insert a new slide. You can not change the back ground on the slides. When you finish your presentation, you can right-click on this slide and press delete if you want to get it off. Everything is written in Arial – the size you determine yourself.
International dues Area dues Regional dues Club dues Normalt betales medlemskontingent til Region Danmark og der betales et kontingent til klubben.
Composition of Dues (in Denmark) Regional dues Area dues 42,46 CHF Area Extension Fond Solidaritetsfond Easteuropa Internationalt dues Collective insurance Contribution to Regional Conference 4,46 CHF Per year 92,42 CHF 42,46 CHF 6,25 CHF 0,65 CHF 0,72 CHF 35,00 CHF 2,88 CHF Kontingentet til Area og det internationale kontingent afregnes i Schweizerfranc (CHF). Kontingentet kan stige eller falde ved kursudsving.