1.4a Articles of Confederation 1.4- Analyze how dissatisfactions with the government under the Articles of Confederation were addressed with the writing of the Constitution of 1787, including the debates and compromises reached at the Philadelphia Convention and the ratification of the Constitution.
Quick Write What is meant by James Madison’s quote, “If all men were angels, no government would be necessary?” In your own words briefly interpret the meaning and tell me why Madison feels so strongly about government.
***The First Attempt at Government The Articles of Confederation The new states were cautious about forming a government that gave to much authority to a central government. They were afraid of a strong central government because of their experiences with the King and British Parliament. They preferred a ***confederation where the states would remain sovereign (independent), but be loosely tied together as a nation. So they drafted the Articles of Confederation. ***(soon after they declared independence, it went into affect)
Positive things about the Articles Negotiated the ***Treaty of Paris that ended the War (Revolutionary War) and gave the colonies independence. (Western border: Mississippi River) It proved effective at the state level as new states created constitutions and passed laws that met their needs. Many northern states began to emancipate slaves Land ordinances- created a method for distributing western lands. ***Northwest ordinance- established a method for creating new states and it prohibited slavery in the Northwest territory Michigan Ohio Indiana Illinois Wisconsin ***Gov. 1st attempt to get rid of the institution of slavery
Why the Articles of Confederation failed I. Diplomatically- it could not force the British to remove soldiers stationed in frontier forts as stated in the Treaty of Paris. It was not effective in persuading the Spanish to allow U.S. citizens to use the Mississippi River and access to the sea through New Orleans. **They could not raise taxes to support an army Policy towards Native Americans was unclear.
Why the Articles failed! II. Economically Could not persuade the British Government to trade with their former colonies. **Because there was NO national judicial branch the government could not resolve conflicts over interstate commerce, currency, or boundaries between states. Inflation made it difficult for individuals to pay their mortgages and taxes with eventually led to Shay’s Rebellion in Massachusetts.
Why the Articles Failed Political Structure was ineffective There was no national executive to carry out the will of the national government. Many members did not attend Congress so it became difficult for Congress to pass laws The Articles could not be amended only with unanimous consent Rare because states often had different interests and could not agree. Once the war was over the states refused to supply the national government with funds. Arguments between states over interstate trade and the threat of Rebellion led some to call for a stronger national government.
The End of the Articles Change came for two big reasons. Shay’s Rebellion and economic crisis- to raise money Massachusetts began to raise taxes, which hurt the farmers and made it very difficult for them to pay outstanding loans. Daniel Shay and a few other farmers rebelled and Massachusetts was forced to deal with the rebellion on its own. The central government was not strong enough to fight this tiny rebellion. **Delegates were called to attend a meeting in Philadelphia in 1787 to amend the Articles. -time to make a stronger government!
Pop Quiz 1. What document established American’s first attempt at government? 2. What are 2 reasons why the Articles of Confederation failed? 3. What document would replace the AoC? 4. What was the newly formed government afraid of?