Lincoln College Student Activities Center Services and Events Your Name
The Lincoln College Student Activities Center is conveniently located in the heart of the campus. So, if you want to relax by yourself, meet with other students, eat with friends, or buy a book, the student union is the place for you!
Information Center College information Schedules Bus routes Maps Campus phone numbers Final schedules Calendar events and much MORE
Event Services Office Schedule events on campus Dances Concerts Meetings Seminars Open to recognized student organizations and the university community
Audio Visual Office Provides sound, lighting, and audio-visual services in the student union and on campus Concert sound Theatrical lighting Projectors DVD players MP3 devices
Springfield Recreation Center On the north side of the student activities center sits the two story Springfield Recreation Center Weight room Activity center Basketball courts Racquet ball courts Gaming center Pool Indoor track
Student Activities Center Music Room Over 2000 records and CD’s Rock to Classical 4 private listening rooms Reservations required Over 50 magazine subscriptions
Lincoln College Bookstore Hours 8:30am to 6:00pm Available stock Current course books Online books Last term course books can be ordered at Customer Service Desk Paper and supplies available