Objectives for Today’s Lesson Identify and define the term mystery. Recognize and identify the elements of a mystery. Compare and contrast different examples of mysteries.
Mysteries A Genre of Literature
What is a mystery? Mysteries are often filled with suspense, but they are also puzzles. Part of the fun of a mystery is matching wits with the criminal; and figuring out “whodunit.”
Elements of a Mystery A crime or unexplained event
Elements of a Mystery One or more detectives trying to solve the crime
Elements of a Mystery Clues or evidence of what really happened
Elements of a Mystery Suspects who might have committed the crime
Elements of a Mystery Detective work, such as finding evidence and questioning witnesses and suspects
Elements of a Mystery Red Herrings are distractions to the reader and the detective. They make finding the solution harder.
Elements of a Mystery A solution to the mystery – “Whodunit.”
Elements of a Mystery INTRODUCTION: Beginning-learn about the problem and meet the characters. BODY OF STORY: Middle-someone is working to solve the mystery. CONCLUSION: End-mystery is solved
Vocabulary Used in Mystery Alibi – a claim that a person accused of a crime was somewhere else when the crime was committed
Vocabulary Used in a Mystery Witness – a person who has seen or heard something
Vocabulary Used in a Mystery Clue – something that helps solve a problem or mystery
Vocabulary Used in a Mystery Evidence – information and facts that help prove something or make you believe something is true
Vocabulary Used in Mystery Solution - the answer to a problem; an explanation = Arrest - to stop or hold someone by the power of law
Small Group Assignment Choose one mystery from your reading book to read aloud with your group. The Case of the Earthenware Pig pp. 138-143 The Sticks of Truth pp. 144-145 Complete the graphic organizer by answering the questions for the mystery your group has chosen. As a group read and solve the mystery, The Coaster Caper.