numbers Time By 張映芬老師
Time second minute day hour week year season month (60 seconds =1 minute) (60 minutes=1 hour) (7 days=1 week) hour week (24 hours=1 day) year (4 seasons=1 year) (4 weeks=1 month) season month (3 months=1 season)
How many seconds are there in a minute? →There are 60 seconds in a minute. How many minutes are there in an hour? →There are 60 minutes in an hour. How many hours are there in a day? →There are 24 hours in a day.
How many days are there in an week? →There are 7 days in a week. How many months are there in a year? →There are 12 months in a year. How many seasons are there in a year? →There are 4 seasons in a year. ( spring, summer, fall, winter )
What time is it? It’s four. =It’s four o’clock. It’s eight-thirty. =It’s thirty before nine. =It’s thirty after eight.
It’s six-fifteen. =It’s fifteen after six. It’s three forty-five. =It’s fifteen before four.
What day is it? It’s Monday. It’s Friday. Word bank: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
What date is it? It’s December 25th. It’s November 26th. It’s April fourth.
It’s October 31st. It’s November 26th. Word bank: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Numbers cell phone number: 99-89=10 0369-885-478 1+1=2 85+10-25=70 $5369 $200 telephone phone number: 2369-5478 $99999
What’s five plus ten? 5+10=15 67-11=56 40+12-3=49 It’s fifteen. 5+10=15 What’s sixty-seven minus eleven? It’s fifty-six. 67-11=56 What’s forty plus twelve minus three? It’s forty-nine. 40+12-3=49
What’s your phone number? What’s your telephone number? It’s 2305-8879. What’s your cell phone number? It’s 0911-568-943.
How many people are there in your family? There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister and me. How many birds are there in the sky? There are five birds in the sky. They are three red birds and two blue birds in the sky.
How much is it? It’s ninety dollars. It’s one thousand and three hundred dollars. It’s four thousand dollars.
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