Countries in North America
Bodies of Water In North America
Seasons & Climates
What Grows There?
World Regions
Countries in North America Bodies of Water In North America Landforms Seasons & Climates What Grows There? World Regions $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
What our country’s full name?
United States of America
What is a continent?
An area with a large division of land
How many countries are in North America?
There are 23 countries.
How can you tell that Alaska is part of the United States on page 2-3?
It is labeled the United States and it is the same color.
What country is directly north of the United States?
Canada is north
What is a lake?
A body of water that has land all around it
What is a river?
A river is a big stream of water that flows across the land . Most river begin in hills and mountains.
What is the largest bodies of water that cover most of the Earth’s surface?
What is a bay?
partly surrounded by land Body of water that is partly surrounded by land
What is like a bay but larger?
A gulf is similar to a bay but larger. Gulf of Mexico
What helps show distance on a map?
a map scale
What is a very high hill?
A mountain Denali is the tallest mountain in North America.
North, South, East and West What shows directions on a map? North, South, East and West
A Compass Rose
What is low land between mountains?
Where is the best area in North America to start a farm?
Great Plains because it is a large, open, flat space. The best area is in the Great Plains because it is a large, open, flat space.
What is climate? Page 12
Climate is pattern of weather in a area over a long period.
What is weather? Page 12
what the air is like outside. Weather is what the air is like outside. The sun and moisture cause weather.
What climate do we live in? Page 13
We live in the Continental Climate.
What is a season? Page 12
A season is a time of year that has a certain kind of weather.
Which climate has hot summer and cool winters?
The Mild Climate
three main plant regions? What are the three main plant regions?
Forests Grasslands Deserts
What makes an area a desert?
An area that less than 15 inches of rain a year is a desert.
What makes an area a forest?
A forest is an area that is covered with trees.
What makes an area a grassland?
A grassland is an area that is covered with grass.
is the_______________ Most of North American is the_______________ plant region.
The Amazon Rain Forest
The Grand Canyon
South Pole, Antarctica
Mt. Everest